The National Savings Bank Regulations 1972

Charitable and other societies

11.—(1) Deposits may be made by the trustees or treasurer of a charitable society and by the trustees or treasurer of any other society (including in that expression any unincorporated body of persons) of moneys belonging to any fund, being a fund which the Director of Savings, in his discretion, shall deem proper to be deposited in the National Savings Bank.

(2) The trustees or treasurer of the society shall forward to the Director of Savings—

(a)a copy of the rules of the society or, if there are no rules, a statement of the objects, constitution and character of the society; and

(b)an application in the approved form for authority to make deposits, signed by the trustees or treasurer of the society, and specifying the officers or members of the society who shall sign applications to withdraw the deposits.

(3) The trustees or treasurer may, by direction in writing in the approved form signed by them or him, amend their or his application for authority to make deposits so far as it relates to the specification of the officers or members of the society by whom applications for withdrawal shall be signed.

(4) Notwithstanding paragraphs (2)(b) and (3) above, any application to withdraw the deposits may be made by any persons for the time being recognised by the Director of Savings as entitled to sign applications for withdrawal.