The National Savings Bank Regulations 1972

Withdrawals of ordinary deposits by telegraph

23.—(1) Application to withdraw ordinary deposits by telegraph may be made at savings bank offices.

(2) The application shall be made in the approved form, the deposit book shall be produced, and the applicant shall pay the cost of each telegram to and from the Director of Savings.

(3) Payment of the sum applied for shall not be made unless the authority of the Director of Savings has been received at the office of payment and the payee has signed a receipt in the approved form.

(4) No depositor shall be entitled to withdraw by telegraph from the same account on any one day sums which exceed the following amounts:—

(a)£25 in all, if the depositor's application to the Director of Savings and the authority of the Director of Savings to make payment are telegraphed; or

(b)£50 in all, if only the authority of the Director of Savings to make payment is telegraphed, application for the withdrawal having been sent to the Director of Savings otherwise than by telegraph.

(5) This Regulation shall not apply to moneys deposited pursuant to Regulation 13, 14 or 15 above.