Withdrawal or transfer of investment deposits

29.—(1) Except where the Director of Savings otherwise directs, money deposited by way of investment deposit (or any interest thereon) may not be withdrawn or transferred (except to an investment deposit account) unless one month's prior notice of withdrawal or transfer thereof has been given to the Director of Savings in accordance with this Regulation.

(2) Every such notice of withdrawal shall be given by sending or delivering to the Director of Savings at the principal office of the National Savings Bank an application for withdrawal in the approved form signed by the depositor or other person entitled to sign the application and requesting that payment be made by a warrant payable on the expiration of one month beginning with the day on which the application is received at the principal office.

(3) The provisions of Regulation 21 above shall apply in relation to such an application for withdrawal and a warrant issued pursuant thereto, subject to the following modifications:—

(a)except where the Director of Savings otherwise directs, every such application shall be accompanied by the relevant deposit book;

(b)where the withdrawal closes the account, it shall be unnecessary to produce the deposit book on presentation of an uncrossed warrant for payment in accordance with Regulation 21(7) above.

(4) Every notice of transfer of investment deposits shall be given by sending or delivering to the Director of Savings at the principal office of the National Savings Bank an application for transfer in the approved form requesting that the transfer be made on the expiration of one month beginning with the day on which the application is received at the principal office, and the application shall be accompanied by the relevant deposit book.