The National Savings Bank Regulations 1972

Power to make nominations

33.—(1) Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, a depositor, being a person who has attained the age of sixteen years, may nominate any person to receive any sum due to the depositor at his death in respect of his deposits.

(2) Every nomination shall be made in writing in a form approved by the Director of Savings, and shall be signed by the nominator in the presence of a witness, and the signature of the nominator shall be attested by the witness.

(3) A nomination shall be of no effect unless it is sent to the Director of Savings during the lifetime of the nominator.

(4) The Director of Savings may in his discretion refuse to accept any nomination received by him, and, upon a notification of the refusal of the Director of Savings to accept a nomination being sent to the nominator, the nomination shall be of no effect.

(5) Every nomination accepted by the Director of Savings shall be registered by him and returned to the nominator.

(6) A nomination may be in favour of one person or of several persons (who shall be clearly designated in the nomination), and, where there is more than one nominee, may direct that specific sums shall be paid to one or more of the nominees or that the nominees shall take the money nominated in specified shares, or may give directions to both effects.

(7) A person who attests the signature of a nominator to a nomination shall not take any benefit thereunder.