The National Savings Bank Regulations 1972

Revocation of nomination

35.—(1) A nomination shall be revoked—

(a)by the death of the nominee, or, where there is more than one nominee, of all the nominees, in the lifetime of the nominator;

(b)so far as relates to the interest thereunder of any nominee (being one of two or more nominees), by the death of that nominee in the lifetime of the nominator, unless the interest of that nominee is disposed of by the nomination;

(c)by the marriage of the nominator;

(d)by written notice of revocation given in accordance with this Regulation;

(e)by a subsequent nomination duly made in accordance with these Regulations by the same nominator disposing of either the whole or any part of the moneys disposed of by the earlier nomination, but so far only as respects those moneys or that part of those moneys, as the case may be;

but a nomination shall not be revoked by any will or by any other act, event or means whatsoever.

(2) A notice of revocation for the purposes of these Regulations shall be signed by the nominator in the presence of a witness, who shall attest the signature of the nominator, and the notice shall be of no effect unless it is sent to the Director of Savings during the lifetime of the nominator.

(3) Notwithstanding that a nomination has been revoked by the marriage of the nominator, any payment which, before the marriage comes to the knowledge of the Director of Savings, is made by him, being a payment which would have been a lawful payment if the nomination had not been so revoked, shall, subject to the provisions of these Regulations for saving the rights of third parties, be as valid as if the nomination had not been so revoked.