
33.—(1) In Appendix I, Section 4 shall be amended in accordance with this paragraph.

(2) The words “To the Parochial Church Council … representatives” shall be transferred to follow immediately after the words “To the Deanery Synod … representatives”.

(3) The paragraph beginning “Such persons” shall be omitted.

(4) For the next following paragraph there shall be substituted the following paragraphs:—

A person is qualified to be elected a parochial representative of the laity to the deanery synod if—

(a)his name is entered on the church electoral roll of the parish;

(b)he is a member of the Church of England who is confirmed or ready and desirous of being confirmed and has received Communion according to the use of the Church of England or a Church in communion with the Church of England at least three times during the twelve months preceding the date of the election; and

(c)he is of 18 years or upwards.

A person is qualified to be elected a parochial representative of the laity to the parochial church council if—

(a)his name is entered on the church electoral roll of the parish; and

(b)he is a member of the Church of England who is confirmed or ready and desirous of being confirmed or a communicant member of a Church in communion with the Church of England and has received Communion according to the use of the Church of England or a Church in communion with the Church of England at least three times during the twelve months preceding the date of the election.