1973 No. 417


The London Authorities (Transfer of Housing Estates Etc.) Order 1973


Laid before Parliament

Coming into Operation

Whereas the Greater London Council and the councils of certain London boroughs have requested the Secretary of State for the Environment to provide by an order under section 23(3) of the London Government Act 1963 for the transfer of certain housing accommodation for the time being vested in the Greater London Council;

And whereas the said councils have agreed the terms of such transfer;

And whereas the Secretary of State is required by the said section 23(3) to give effect to those terms;

And whereas certain further matters appear to the Secretary of State necessary and proper for the purposes of or in consequence of that transfer:

Now therefore the Secretary of State for the Environment, in exercise of powers conferred by section 23(3), 84 and 85 of the London Government Act 1963 and now vested in him 1 and in exercise of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following order:—