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This is the original version (as it was originally made). This item of legislation is currently only available in its original format. The electronic version of this UK Statutory Instrument has been contributed by Westlaw and is taken from the printed publication. Read more
2.—(1) Save as is provided in paragraph (2) of this article and in article 3 of this order, the day appointed for the coming into operation of all the provisions of the Social Security Act 1973 for which no day has previously been appointed() other than those set out in Schedule 1 to this order shall be 6th April 1975.
(2) The day appointed by paragraph (1) of this article for the coming into operation of section 12(3) of the Social Security Act 1973 is appointed only for the purposes of earnings-related supplement under section 10(8) of that Act and for no other purposes of Chapter II of that Act.
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