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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1975 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Import Duties (Israel) (Reductions) Order 19751975 No. 1998UK Statutory Instruments
The Milk (Special Designations) (Scotland) Amendment Order 19751975 No. 1997 (S. 274)UK Statutory Instruments
The Insurance Companies (Accounts and Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 19751975 No. 1996UK Statutory Instruments
The Building Societies (Authorised Investments) (Amendment) Order 19751975 No. 1995UK Statutory Instruments
The Combined Probation and After-Care Areas (Powys) Order 19751975 No. 1994UK Statutory Instruments
The Sex Discrimination (Formal Investigations) Regulations 19751975 No. 1993UK Statutory Instruments
The Postal Packets (Customs and Excise) Regulations 19751975 No. 1992UK Statutory Instruments
The District of South Cambridgeshire (Electoral Arrangements) Order 19751975 No. 1991UK Statutory Instruments
The District of Chiltern (Electoral Arrangements) Order 19751975 No. 1990UK Statutory Instruments
The District of Basingstoke (Electoral Arrangements) Order 19751975 No. 1989UK Statutory Instruments
The National Health Service (Remission of Charges) (Scotland) Amendment (No. 2) Regulations 19751975 No. 1988 (S. 273)UK Statutory Instruments
The National Health Service (Charges) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19751975 No. 1987 (S. 272)UK Statutory Instruments
The Central Midwives Board (Constitution) Order 19751975 No. 1986UK Statutory Instruments
The Food Subsidies (Exports) (Amendment) Order 19751975 No. 1985UK Statutory Instruments
The Local Government (Allowances) (Amendment) Regulations 19751975 No. 1984UK Statutory Instruments
The London-Edinburgh-Thurso Trunk Road (Holme Hill House and Queen Victoria School Diversions) (Revocation) Order 19751975 No. 1979 (S. 270)UK Statutory Instruments
The Import Duties (Certain Mediterranean Countries) (Reductions and Exemptions) Order 19751975 No. 1978UK Statutory Instruments
The Import Duties (Temporary Reductions and Exemptions) (No. 22) Order 19751975 No. 1977UK Statutory Instruments
Act of Sederunt (Amendment of Fees in the Scottish Record Office No. 2) 19751975 No. 1976 (S. 271)UK Statutory Instruments
The Commissioner for Local Administration in Scotland (Expenses) Regulations 19751975 No. 1975 (S. 269)UK Statutory Instruments

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