


A person who wishes to be approved for the purposes of these Regulations shall apply to the Commissioners in an approved form, furnish security for payment on payment day of the amount of customs duty in respect of which he seeks deferment, and make arrangements with the Commissioners for the payment of that duty on payment day.


If satisfied with the security and arrangements as aforesaid, the Commissioners shall in writing approve the applicant with respect to an amount of customs duty not exceeding that for which he has furnished security;

Provided that such approval may be limited to the deferment of customs duty payable, apart from these Regulations, on the making of entry within any named Collection.


The Commissioners may, for reasonable cause, at any time vary or revoke any approval granted under this Regulation.


A person to whom approval has been granted under this Regulation shall forthwith notify the Commissioners of any change in the particulars furnished, the security given, or the arrangements for payment provided for in paragraph (1) above.