

Period during which long-term compensation is to be payable

15.—(1) Long-term compensation shall be payable with effect from the date of the claim or from any earlier date permitted by the succeeding provisions of this regulation.

(2) Where a claim for long-term compensation is duly made within 13 weeks of the commencement of these regulations or the occurrence of the loss or diminution which is the cause of the claim (whichever is the alter), the award shall be made effective from the date on which the loss or diminution occurred.

(2) Where a claim for long-term compensation is made after the expiry of the period mentioned in paragraph (2), the award may, at the discretion of the Secretary of State, be made retrospective to a date not earlier than 13 weeks prior to the date on which the claim was made:

Provided that if the Secretary of State is satisfied that the failure to make the claim within the period mentioned in paragraph (2) was due to ill-health or other circumstances beyond the claimant's control, the award may be made retrospective to a date not earlier than that on which the loss or diminution occurred.

(4) Long-term compensation shall not be payable to a person for any period in respect of which compensation under Part V of these regulations is payable to him.