The State Awards (State Bursaries for Adult Education) (Wales) Regulations 1979


The State Awards Regulations 1978 revoked, with certain savings, the State Awards Regulations 1963 and (inter alia) the other regulations specified in the Schedule to these regulations. However, the regulations specified in the Schedule continued to have effect in respect of persons ordinarily resident in Wales in so far as they related to state scholarships for mature students and state bursaries for adult education (State Awards Regulations 1978, regulations 1(2), 3(4) and 4(3)).

To the extent that the regulations specified in the Schedule have so continued in effect, these regulations consolidate them with amendments and subject to savings.

The principal changes are:—

The provisions relating to state scholarships for mature students (in respect of first degree and comparable courses) are not reproduced but in relation to such scholarships awarded before the coming into operation of the present regulations, the revoked regulations continue to have effect (regulation 3).

The Northern College, Barnsley, is added to the list of colleges at which state bursaries for adult education (in respect of long-term residential courses) are tenable (regulation 6).