Vaccine damage tribunals

7.—(1) For the purpose of determining matters under section 4 of the Act, the Secretary of State shall appoint tribunals to be known as vaccine damage tribunals which shall consist of a chairman and two medical practitioners.

(2) A person shall not act as a member of a tribunal for the purpose of the consideration of any case referred to them if he—

(a)is or may be directly affected by that case; or

(b)has taken part in such a case as a medical practitioner who has regularly attended the disabled person or whose opinion has been sought on any matter in connection with the said case.

(3) Where any member of a tribunal is not present at the consideration of a case, the reference to that tribunal shall be revoked and the case shall forthwith be referred to another such tribunal.

(4) Where the tribunal are unable to reach a unanimous decision on any case the decision of the majority of its members shall be the decision of the tribunal.