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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1979 has returned more than 200 results.

Results by year


Partial dataset 1948 - 1986
Complete dataset 1987 - Present

Results grouped by 10 year periods

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The counts below reflect the number of documents on that match the search for items of this legislation type and are not intended to indicate the total legislation made, enacted or adopted in a particular year.

Sort ascending by TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type
The Derelict Land Clearance Areas Order 19791979 No. 334UK Statutory Instruments
The State Awards (State Bursaries for Adult Education) (Wales) Regulations 19791979 No. 333UK Statutory Instruments
The Town and Country Planning Act 1971 (Commencement No. 45) (Humberside) Order 19791979 No. 329 (C. 8)UK Statutory Instruments
The Town and Country Planning (Repeal of Provisions No. 17) (Humberside) Order 19791979 No. 328UK Statutory Instruments
The Princess Parkway, Princess Road (A5103) Manchester Section, Altrincham Road to Riverside Avenue, Northbank Walk (Trunking) Order 19791979 No. 327UK Statutory Instruments
The Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations 19791979 No. 326UK Statutory Instruments
The Legal Advice and Assistance (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19791979 No. 325 (S. 33)UK Statutory Instruments
The Legal Aid (Scotland) (Assessment of Resources) Amendment Regulations 19791979 No. 324 (S. 32)UK Statutory Instruments
Grants for Guarantees of Bank Loans (Extension of Period) Order 19791979 No. 323UK Statutory Instruments
The European Assembly Elections (Northern Ireland) Regulations 19791979 No. 322UK Statutory Instruments
The Exchange Control (Authorised Dealers and Depositaries) (Amendment) Order 19791979 No. 321UK Statutory Instruments
Residential Establishments (Payments by Local Authorities) (Scotland) Amendment Order 19791979 No. 320 (S. 31)UK Statutory Instruments
The Scottish Milk Marketing Schemes (Amendment) Regulations 19791979 No. 319 (S. 30)UK Statutory Instruments
The Mines (Precautions Against Inrushes) Regulations 19791979 No. 318UK Statutory Instruments
The Steamtown Light Railway Order 19791979 No. 317UK Statutory Instruments
The Medicines (General Sale List) Amendment Order 19791979 No. 315UK Statutory Instruments
The Customs Duties (ECSC) Provisional Anti-Dumping (No. 4) Order 19791979 No. 314UK Statutory Instruments
The Industrial Training Levy (Iron and Steel) Order 19791979 No. 313UK Statutory Instruments
The Building Standards (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 19791979 No. 310 (S. 29)UK Statutory Instruments
The Monegasque Tonnage Order 19791979 No. 306UK Statutory Instruments

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