
Procedure of diocesan synods

11.—(1) In rule 28(1)(c), after the word “being” there shall be inserted the words “in the case of a diocese in which area synods have been constituted in accordance with section 17 of the Dioceses Measure 1978, not less than one, and in the case of any other diocese”.

(2) In rule 28(1)(e), for the word “authorities” there shall be substituted the word “houses”, and at the end of rule 28(1)(e) there shall be inserted the words “but that if in the case of a particular question the bishop (if present) so directs, that question shall be deemed to have the assent of the house of bishops only if the majority of the members of that house who assent thereto includes the bishop”.

(3) In rule 28(1)(f), for the words from “authorities” to the end there shall be substituted the words “houses being presumed, unless the bishop (if present) requires, or any ten members require, that a separate vote of each house be taken”.

(4) After rule 28(1)(g) there shall be inserted—

(h)that where there is an equal division of votes in the house of bishops, the bishop shall have a second or casting vote;

(i)that the bishop shall have a right to require that his opinion on any question shall be recorded in the minutes;

(5) The present sub-paragraph (h) of rule 28(1) shall be re-lettered (j) and after rule 28(1) there shall be inserted—

(2) No person shall be entitled to serve as a member of more than one bishop's council and standing committee at the same time.

(6) The present paragraph (2) of rule 28 shall be re-numbered (3).