
Statutory Instruments

1980 No. 942


The Coal and Other Mines (Fire and Rescue) (Amendment) Regulations 1980


27th June 1980

Laid before Parliament

8th July 1980

Coming into Operation

1st August 1980

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 15(1) and 3(a) of, and paragraph 1(2) of Schedule 3 to, the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974(1) (“the 1974 Act”), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, and for the purpose of giving effect without modifications to proposals submitted to him by the Health and Safety Commission under section 11(2)(d) of the 1974 Act after the carrying out by the said Commission of consultations in accordance with section 50(3) of that Act, hereby makes the following Regulations:—

Citation and commencement

1.  These Regulations may be cited as the Coal and Other Mines (Fire and Rescue) (Amendment) Regulations 1980 and shall come into operation on 1st August 1980.

Amendment of the Coal and Other Mines (Fire and Rescue) Regulations 1956

2.  The Coal and Other Mines (Fire and Rescue) Regulations 1956 shall be amended as follows:—

(a)in Regulation 25(4) (which relates to the testing of suits of breathing apparatus) omit the words “by immersion”;

(b)for paragraph 2(b) of the First Schedule (which relates to the testing of suits of breathing apparatus) substitute—

(b)test it for leakage while it is fully distended under pressure;.

John E.M. Moore

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Department of Energy

Patrick Mayhew

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Department of Employment

27th June 1980


These Regulations amend the provisions of the Coal and Other Mines (Fire and Rescue) Regulations 1956 relating to the testing of suits of breathing apparatus. The requirement that a suit should be tested for leakage by being immersed in water when fully distended under pressure and examined closely for leakage is replaced by a requirement simply to test it while it is fully distended under pressure.


section 15 was amended by the Employment Protection Act 1975 (c. 71), section 116 and Schedule 15, paragraph 6.