Commencement and citationI11

These Regulations shall come into operation on 31st December 1981 and may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (Tests) Regulations 1981.

Commencement Information

Reg. 1 in force at 31.12.1981, see reg. 1


The Regulations specified in Schedule 4 are hereby revoked.

Commencement Information

Reg. 2 in force at 31.12.1981, see reg. 1



In these Regulations, except where the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the meanings hereby respectively assigned to them—

  • the 1972 Act” means the Road Traffic Act 1972;

  • the 1981 Act” means the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981;

  • F26“the Construction and Use Regulations” means the Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986;

  • F27the Lighting Regulations” means “the Road Vehicles Lighting Regulations 1989;

  • F11“agricultural motor vehicle”, “articulated bus”, “articulated vehicle”, “dual-purpose vehicle”, F164“exhaust system”,F118"minibus", F28“Ministry plate”,pedestrian controlled vehicle”, “track laying” and “works truckhave the meanings given by F119regulation 3(2) of the Construction and Use Regulations;

  • authorisation” means any authorisation in writing by the Secretary of State of an individual, persons in partnership, or a company to carry out examinations of such classes of motor vehicles as may be specified therein;

  • F120“child restraint”, “disabled person’s belt”, “forward-facing seat” and “seat belt” have the meanings given by regulation 47(8) of the Construction and Use Regulations;

  • company” means a body corporate;

  • F56“Community Recording Equipment Regulation” has the meaning given in section 85 of the Road Traffic Act 1988;

  • F29“design gross weight” means—

    1. a

      in the case of a vehicle equipped with a Ministry plate, the weight shown thereon as the design weight, or, if no weight is so shown thereon, the weight shown thereon as the weight not to be exceeded in Great Britain;

    2. b

      in the case of a vehicle which is not equipped with a Ministry plate, but which is equipped with a plate in accordance with regulation 66 of the Construction and Use Regulations, the maximum gross weight shown on the plate in respect of item 7 of Part I of Schedule 8 to those Regulations; and

    3. c

      in any other case, the weight which the vehicle is designed or adapted not to exceed when in normal use and travelling on a road laden;

  • designated council” means any council designated by the Secretary of State for the purposes of section 43 being the council of a county, of a district or London Borough or (in Scotland) of a region or of an islands area, or the Greater London Council or the Common Council of the City of London;

  • examination” means an examination of a motor vehicle for the purposes of section 43;

  • examiner” means an individual, persons in partnership, or a company authorised by the Secretary of State in accordance with these Regulations to carry out examinations;

  • firmhas the meaning given by section 4 of the Partnership Act 1890;

  • goods vehicle” means a motor vehicle constructed or adapted for use for the carriage of goods or burden of any description, including a living van but excluding—

    1. i

      F4a dual-purpose vehicle,

    2. ii

      a motor caravan, and

    3. iii

      a play bus,

  • F112“goods vehicle testing station” means a station provided by the Secretary of State under section 52(2) of the Road Traffic Act 1988;

  • large passenger-carrying vehicle” means a motor vehicle which is constructed or adapted to carry more than twelve seated passengers in addition to the driver, and which is not a public service vehicle;

  • light motor bicycle” means a motor bicycle of which the cylinder capacity of the engine does not exceed 200 cubic centimetres;

  • light motor vehicle” means a motor vehicle with three F61... wheels the unladen weight of which does not exceed 450 kilograms;

  • living van” means a vehicle, whether mechanically propelled or not, which is used as living accommodation by one or more persons, and which is also used for the carriage of goods or burden which are not needed by such one or more persons for the purpose of their residence in the vehicle;

  • Ministry Inspector” means any certifying officer or public service vehicle examiner appointed under section 56(1) and any examiner appointed under section 7 of the 1981 Act;

  • motor bicycle” means a two wheeled motor cycle, whether having a sidecar attached to it or not;

  • motor caravan” means a motor vehicle (not being a living van) which is constructed or adapted for the carriage of passengers and their effects and which contains, as permanently installed equipment, the facilities which are reasonably necessary for enabling the vehicle to provide mobile living accommodation for its users;

  • normal working week” means

    1. a

      in relation to an examiner, the times of the week which in the application of that examiner to the Secretary of State for an authorisation are specified as the times of the week during which that examiner will accept vehicles for examination or such other times of the week as may subsequently be substituted for times so specified by the examiner with the consent of the Secretary of State;

    2. b

      in relation to a designated council, the times of the week notified to the Secretary of State by that council as the times of the week during which they will accept vehicles for examination; and

    3. c

      in relation to the Secretary of State, the times of the week during which at any vehicle testing station of the Secretary of State he will accept vehicles for examination;

  • F114“out of hours” means at any time either–

    1. a

      on any day which is a Saturday, Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day or a Bank holiday (as defined in the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971); or

    2. b

      on any other day, other than between–

      1. i

        8.00 am and 5.00 pm on a Monday to Thursday inclusive, or

      2. ii

        8.00 am and 4.30 pm on a Friday;

  • F2play bus” means a motor vehicle which was originally constructed to carry more than 12 passengers but which has been adapted primarily for the carriage of playthings for children (including articles required in connection with the use of those things);

  • public service vehiclehas the meaning given by section 1(1)(a) of the 1981 Act;

  • the prescribed statutory requirementshas the meaning given by Regulation 4(2);

  • serial number”, in relation to a vehicle the chassis of which has not been constructed separately from its superstructure, means the number given to, and for the purpose of identifying, the vehicle by its manufacturer;

  • traffic area” means a traffic area constituted as mentioned in section 80(1) of the 1981 Act and “office” in relation to such an area means any office provided for the use of the traffic commissioners for that area; and

  • F113“vehicle testing station” means premises at which the Secretary of State has authorised an examiner to carry out examinations, premises provided by a designated council or the Secretary of State for carrying out examinations, or premises for the time being designated by the Secretary of State under section 8(3) of the 1981 Act.


Unless the context otherwise requires, any reference in these Regulations to—


a numbered section is a reference to the section bearing that number in the 1972 Act;


a numbered Regulation or Schedule is a reference to the Regulation or Schedule bearing that number in these Regulations, and


a numbered paragraph is a reference to the paragraph bearing that number in the Regulations in which the reference appears.


For the purposes of these Regulations the unladen weight of a vehicle shall be computed in accordance with Schedule 6 to the Vehicles (Excise) Act 1971.


In calculating for the purposes of the definition of “large passenger carrying vehicle” the number of seated passengers which the vehicle is constructed or adapted to carry a length of at least 400 millimetres measured horizontally along the front of each seat shall be allowed for the accommodation of each such passenger. Where a continuous seat is fitted with arms for the purpose of separating the seating spaces and the arms are so constructed that they can be folded back or otherwise put out of use, the seat shall be measured for the purposes of this paragraph as though it were not fitted with arms.


For the purposes of these Regulations the provisions of F30Regulation 3(3) of the Construction and Use Regulations shall apply for determining when a motor vehicle is first used.

The prescribed statutory requirementsI44


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The prescribed statutory requirements for the purposes of section 45(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 are in relation to any vehicle in a Class specified in an item in column 2 of the Table the requirements specified in that item in column 3 of the Table, and in these Regulations those requirements are referred to as “the prescribed statutory requirements”.


(1) Item

(2) Class

(3) Requirements


I and II

Paragraph 1 of Schedule 2



Paragraph 2 of Schedule 2



Paragraph 3 of Schedule 2



Paragraph 3A of Schedule 2



Paragraph 4 of Schedule 2



Paragraph 4A of Schedule 2



Paragraph 5 of Schedule 2



Paragraph 5A of Schedule 2



Paragraph 6 of Schedule 2


Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, every vehicle to which these Regulations apply and which is submitted for examination in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations shall be examined for the purpose of ascertaining whether those of the prescribed statutory requirements which are applicable to the vehicle have been complied with at the date of the examination.


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Classification of Vehicles and Application of RegulationsI55


For the purposes of these Regulations motor vehicles to which they apply are classified as follows:—

Class I:

Light motor bicycles

F1Class II:

motor bicycles

F1Class III:

Light motor vehicles other than motor bicycles

F124Class IV:

Motor cars and heavy motor cars not being vehicles within Classes III, IVA, V, VA, VI, VIA or VII

Class IVA:

Minibuses, other than vehicles to which paragraph (4) applies, not being vehicles within Classes III, V, VA, VI or VIA, in respect of which any forward-facing seat is fitted with a relevant seat belt

Class V:

Motor vehicles not being vehicles within Class VA which are—

  1. a

    Large passenger-carrying vehicles;

  2. b

    Public service vehicles—

    1. i

      of a type specified in paragraph (3), and

    2. ii

      constructed or adapted to carry more than 12 seated passengers, and

  3. c

    Play buses

Class VA:

Motor vehicles, other than vehicles to which paragraph (4) applies, which are—

  1. a

    Large passenger-carrying vehicles;

  2. b

    Public service vehicles—

    1. i

      of a type specified in paragraph (3), and

    2. ii

      constructed or adapted to carry more than 12 seated passengers, and

  3. c

    Play buses,

in respect of which any forward-facing seat is fitted with a relevant seat belt

Class VI:

Public service vehicles, other than those of a type specified in paragraph (3), not being vehicles within Class VIA

Class VIA:

Public service vehicles, not being vehicles to which paragraph (4) applies, other than those of a type specified in paragraph (3), in respect of which any forward facing seat is fitted with a relevant seat belt

F33Class VII:

Goods vehicles of which the design gross weight is more than 3000 kilograms but does not exceed 3500 kilograms

and (except where otherwise provided in these Regulations) any reference in these Regulations to a class of vehicles shall be construed accordingly.


Save as provided in Regulation 6, these Regulations apply to every vehicle of a class specified in paragraph (1).


The public service vehicles mentioned in paragraph (1) as included in F125Class V or VA are public service vehicles F8which may lawfully be used on a road in the absence of a certificate of initial fitness by virtue of —


F17section 23(7) of the Transport Act 1985 (a bus being used to provide a community bus service), or


section 46 of the 1981 Act (a school bus belonging to a local education authority and being used to provide free school transport and carrying as fare-paying passengers persons other than those for whom the free school transport is provided, and a school bus being used, when it is not being used to provide free school transport, to provide a local bus service).

F18or (c) section 21(2) of the Transport Act 1985 (a small bus operating under a permit granted under section 19 of that Act).


This paragraph applies to vehicles, in respect of which—


a certificate of initial fitness has been issued on or after 1st August 1998; or


one or more forward-facing seats are fitted with a relevant seat belt, which, when so equipped, are of a type of vehicle in respect of which the Secretary of State is satisfied that the vehicle manufacturer holds—


an approval issued by or on behalf of the approval authority of an EEA State confirming compliance with the installation requirements of Community Directives 77/541, 82/319, 90/628 or 96/36; and




an approval issued by or on behalf of the approval authority of an EEA State confirming compliance with the technical and installation requirements of Community Directives 76/115, 81/575, 82/318, 90/629 or 96/38; or


an approval issued by or on behalf of the competent authority of a contracting State confirming compliance with the technical and installation requirements of ECE Regulation 14, 14.01, 14.02 or 14.03.


In this regulation—

  • “approval authority” has the same meaning as in Community Directive 70/156;

  • “certificate of initial fitness” has the same meaning as in section 6 of the Public Passenger Vehicles Act 1981;

  • “contracting State” means a State which is a party to the International Agreement;

  • EEA State” means a State which is a contracting party to the EEA Agreement;

  • EEA Agreement” means the agreement on the European Economic Area signed at Oporto on 2nd May 1992 as adjusted by the Protocol signed at Brussels on 17th March 1993;

  • ECE Regulation” and “Community Directive” have the meanings given by regulation 3(2) of the Construction and Use Regulations;

  • “the International Agreement” means the Agreement concerning the adoption of uniform conditions of approval for motor vehicle equipment and parts and reciprocal recognition thereof concluded at Geneva on 20th March 1958 as amended to which the United Kingdom is a party; and

  • “relevant seat belt” means a seat belt, not being a disabled person’s belt or a child restraint, which—

    1. a

      is fitted other than as required by regulation 47 of the Construction and Use Regulations; and

    2. b

      on or after 1st August 1998 either—

      1. i

        has not undergone an examination and been found to comply with the prescribed statutory requirements referred to in item 28A in paragraph 3A of Schedule 2; or

      2. ii

        has undergone an examination and been found so to comply but is fitted in a vehicle in respect of which no test certificate has been issued to the effect that that is the case.



Pursuant to section 44(4) the Secretary of State hereby prescribes the following vehicles as those to which section 44 does not apply:—


a heavy locomotive,


a light locomotive,


a motor tractor,


a track laying vehicle,


a goods vehicle, the design gross weight of which exceeds 3500 kilograms;


an articulated vehicle not being an articulated bus,


a vehicle to which paragraph (1A) for the time being applies.


a works truck,


a pedestrian controlled vehicle,


a vehicle (including a cycle with an attachment for propelling it by mechanical power) which is adapted, and used or kept on a road, for invalids, and which—


does not exceed 306 kilograms in weight unladen, or


exceeds 306 kilograms but does not exceed 510 kilograms in weight unladen, and are supplied and maintained by or on behalf of the Department of Health and Social Security, the Scottish Office or the Welsh Office;


a vehicle temporarily in Great Britain displaying a registration mark mentioned in Regulation 5 of the Motor Vehicles (International Circulation) Regulations 1971, a period of twelve months not having elapsed since the vehicle was last brought into Great Britain;


a vehicle proceeding to a port for export;


a vehicle in the service of a visiting force or of a headquarters (within the meaning given by Article 8(6) of the Visiting Forces and International Headquarters (Application of Law) Order 1965).


a vehicle provided for police purposes and maintained in workshops approved by the Secretary of State as suitable for such maintenance, being a vehicle provided in England and Wales by a police authority or the Receiver for the Metropolitan Police District, or, in Scotland, by a police authority or a joint police committee;


a vehicle which has been imported into Great Britain and to which section 44(2)(b) applies, being a vehicle owned by or in the service of the naval, military or air forces of Her Majesty raised in the United Kingdom and used for naval, military or air force purposes;


a vehicle in respect of which a test certificate issued in accordance with Article 34 of the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 is in force or which are licensed under the Vehicles (Excise) Act (Northern Ireland) 1972;


an electrically propelled goods vehicle the design gross weight of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms;F34...


subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), a hackney carriage or a cab in respect of which there is in force a licence under—


section 6 of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act 1869, or


the Town Police Clauses Act 1847, the Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892 or any similar local statutory provision,

to ply for hire;


subject to the provisions of paragraph (4), a private hire car in respect of which there is in force a licence granted by a local authority, or, in Scotland, by a local authority or a police authority.


an agricultural motor vehicle.


a motor vehicle constructed and not merely adapted for the purpose of street cleansing or the collection or disposal of refuse or the collection or disposal of the contents of gullies and which is either—


a three wheeled vehicle, or


a vehicle which—


is incapable by reason of its construction of exceeding a speed of 20 miles per hour on the level under its own power, or


has an inside track width of less than 810 millimetres;


a goods vehicle, the design gross weight of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms and in respect of which a goods vehicle test certificate was issued between 1st February 1990 and 17th March 1991, while that certificate is valid; F75...


before 1st August 1991, a goods vehicle the design gross weight of which does not exceed 3500 kilograms and which is of a class specified in Schedule 2 to the Goods Vehicles (Plating and Testing) Regulations 1988.


a tramcar; and


a trolley vehicle which is not an auxiliary trolley vehicle.


This paragraph applies to a vehicle at a time when it is being used on a public road during any calendar week if—


it is being used only in passing from land in the occupation of the person keeping the vehicle to other land in his occupation, and


it has not been used on public roads for distances exceeding an aggregate of six miles in that calendar week,

and for the purposes of this paragraph “public road” has the meaning given in section 62(1) the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994.


Pursuant to section 44(6) the Secretary of State hereby exempts from section 44(1) the use of a vehicle—



for the purpose of submitting it by previous arrangement for, or bringing it away from, an examination, or


in the course of an examination, for the purpose of taking it to, or bringing it away from, any place where a part of the examination is to be or, as the case may be, has been, carried out, or of carrying out any part of the examination, the person so using it being either—


an examiner, or a Ministry Inspector or an inspector appointed by a designated council, or


a person acting under the personal direction of an examiner, a Ministry Inspector or a designated Council, or


where a test certificate is refused on an examination—


for the purpose of delivering it by previous arrangement at, or bringing it away from, a place where work is to be or has been done on it to remedy for a further examination the defects on the ground of which the test certificate was refused; or


for the purpose of deivering it, by towing it, to a place where the vehicle is to be broken up;


for any purpose for which the vehicle is authorised to be used on roads by an order under section 42;


where the vehicle has been imported into Great Britain, for the purpose of its being driven after arrival in Great Britain on the journey from the place where it has arrived in Great Britain to a place of residence of the owner or driver of the vehicle;


for the purpose of removing it in pursuance of section 3 of the Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978, of moving or removing it in pursuance of regulations under section 20 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967 as altered by the Removal and Disposal of Vehicles (Alteration of Enactments) Order 1967, or of removing it from a parking place in pursuance of an order under section 31(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1967, an order relating to a parking place designated under section 35 thereof, or a provision of a designation order having effect by virtue of section 39(2) thereof;


where the vehicle has been detained or seized by a police constable, for police purposes connected with such detention or seizure;


where the vehicle has been removed, detained or seized or condemned as forfeited under any provision of the Customs and Excise Management Act 1979 for any purpose authorised by an officer of Customs and Excise;


for the purpose of testing it by a motor trader as defined in section 16(8) of the Vehicles (Excise) Act 1971, to whom a trade licence has been issued under that section, during the course of, or after completion of repairs carried out to that vehicle by that motor trader.


Pursuant to section 44(7) the Secretary of State hereby exempts from section 44(1) the use of a vehicle on any island in any area mainly surrounded by water, being an island or area from which motor vehicles, unless constructed for special purposes can at no time be conveniently driven to a road in any other part of Great Britain by reason of the absence of any bridge, tunnel, ford or other way suitable for the passage of such motor vehicle:

F38Provided that—


in relation to a vehicle in any of Classes I to F127VIA, this Regulation does not apply to any of the following islands, namely, the Isle of Wight, the islands of Arran, Bute, Great Cumbrae, Islay, Lewis, Mainland (Orkney), Mainland (Shetland), Mull, North Uist and Skye F39and


in relation to a vehicle in Class VII this Regulation does not apply in any of the following islands, namely, the Isle of Wight, the Islands of Lewis, Mainland (Orkney), Mainland (Shetland) and Skye.


The exemptions specified in paragraph (1)(xviii) and (xix) do not obtain unless the authority which issued the licence holds a certificate issued by the Secretary of State evidencing that he is satisfied that the issue of the licence is subject to the vehicle first passing an annual test relating to the prescribed statutory requirements; and, as from 1st January 1983,


in the case of a vehicle of a kind mentioned in paragraph (1)(xviii) first used more than one year before the licence there mentioned was issued, or


in the case of a vehicle of a kind mentioned in paragraph (1)(xix) first used more than three years before the licence there mentioned was issued

the authority which issued the licence also issued to the licensee a certificate recording that on the date on which the certificate was issued that authority was, as a result of a test, satisfied that the prescribed statutory requirements were satisfied.


In this Regulation—

  • F77“auxiliary trolley vehicle” means a trolley vehicle which is adapted to operate under power provided from a source on board when it is not operating from power transmitted to it from some external source;

  • private hire car” means a motor vehicle which is not a vehicle licensed to ply for hire under the provisions of the Metropolitan Public Carriage Act 1869, Town Police Clauses Act 1847, the Burgh Police (Scotland) Act 1892 or any similar local statutory provision with respect to hackney carriages but which is kept for the purpose of being let out for hire with a driver for the carrying of passengers in such circumstances that it does not require to be licensed to ply for hire under the said provisions; and

  • test” means an examination of a vehicle in relation to the prescribed statutory requirements conducted—

    1. i

      F5by a person appointed to act as an inspector under section 43, or a person authorised as an examiner or acting on his behalf, or

    2. ii

      by a person on behalf of a police authority in England or Wales, or

    3. iii

      by a person on behalf of a police authority or a joint police committee in Scotland.


Applications for authorisationsI77


Applications for authorizations may be made by—


an individual proposing to carry out examinations otherwise than on behalf of any other person;


persons in partnership; or


a company.


Every application shall be made—


on a form approved by the Secretary of State and signed, where the application is made under paragraph (1)(a), by the individual making the application and, where the application is made under paragraph (1)(b) or (c) by a person duly authorized by the firm or company; and


by sending the said form to the Secretary of State at the office of the traffic area in which is situated the place at which the applicant proposes to carry out examinations.


In a case where the applicant proposes to carry out examinations at more than one place the Secretary of State may require as many applications to be made as there are such places.

Commencement Information

Reg. 7 in force at 31.12.1981, see reg. 1



When an application has been made in accordance with Regulation 7 the Secretary of State may, after making such investigations and carrying out such inspections as he may think fit, authorise the individual, persons in partnership or company by whom the application is made to be an examiner for the purpose of carrying out examinations of any class or classes of motor vehicles.


The Secretary of State may at any time, if he so thinks fit, authorise in writing any person to carry out examinations notwithstanding that the requirements of Regulation 7 have not been complied with.

Commencement Information

Reg. 8 in force at 31.12.1981, see reg. 1

Conditions to be complied with by authorised examinersI99


Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, every examiner shall comply with such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the authorisation of that examiner and also with the following conditions—


the examiner shall carry out in accordance with these Regulations examinations of motor vehicles of any such class as is specified in the authorisation of the examiner and shall in all other respects comply with such of the provisions of these Regulations as apply to the examiner;


the examiner shall arrange for examinations to be carried out or to be personally supervised, and for test certificates to be signed, by persons who—


are competent to act for such a purpose; and


if they are not the examiner or, where the examiner is persons in partnership one of those persons, carry out the examination in a manner which is under the direct control of the examiner:

Provided that no person shall be first authorised to carry out or supervise an examination or sign a test certificate after 1st January 1977 unless he has successfully completed a course of instruction approved for the purpose by the Secretary of State;


the examiner shall give notice to the Secretary of State at the office of the traffic area in which is situated the vehicle testing station of that examiner of the names of all persons who are from time to time authorised in pursuance of arrangements made in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above to carry out or personally supervise examinations at that station and in either case to sign test certificates; and every such notice shall be given within seven days after the date of any such authorisation;


the examiner shall put up and keep exhibited inside the vehicle testing station of that examiner in some conspicuous place so as to be legible to persons submitting vehicles for examination at that station—


the authorisation in which that vehicle testing station is specified, and


a list of the names of the persons for the time being authorised to carry out or personally supervise examinations at that station and in either case to sign test certificates;


the examiner shall put up and keep exhibited outside the vehicle testing station of that examiner in a conspicuous place a sign of the size, colour and type shown in the diagram set out in Part I of Schedule 1 and complying with the conditions specified in Part II of Schedule 1;


the examiner shall, after not less than three clear days' notice given to that examiner by the Secretary of State, make the vehicle testing station of that examiner and the apparatus at that station with which examinations are carried out available for the purpose of an examination to be carried out by the Secretary of State as a result of an appeal which has been made against the refusal of a test certificate (whether by that or any other authorised examiner or by an inspector appointed by a designated council or the Secretary of State);


the examiner shall give notice to the Secretary of State at the office of the traffic area in which is situated the vehicle testing station of the examiner—


in a case where the examiner is the sole individual named in an authorisation, of his entering into any partnership with a view to carrying on a business which will comprise the carrying out of examinations at that station; and


in a case where the examiner is persons in partnership, of any change in the constitution of the firm,

and such notice shall be given not later than seven days after the occurrence of the entry into partnership or the change in the constitution, as the case may be.


The Secretary of State may give notice to an examiner that in the opinion of the Secretary of State any person should not carry out or supervise examinations, or sign test certificates, and on receipt of that notice the examiner shall arrange that that person shall no longer carry out or supervise examinations or sign test certificates, as the case may require.


Without prejudice to paragraph (2), the Secretary of State may give notice to an examiner—


that a person has not attended a course of instruction approved by the Secretary of State when required to attend such a course by the Secretary of State; or


that a person has attended such a course when required to do so by the Secretary of State but did not successfully complete it,

and on receipt of the notice the examiner shall arrange that the person shall no longer carry out or supervise examinations or sign test certificates, as the case may be.

Termination of authorisationsI1010


An authorisation of an individual as an examiner terminates if he—


dies; or


is adjudged bankrupt or, in Scotland, has his estate sequestrated; or


becomes a patient within the meaning of Part VIII of the Mental Health Act 1959 or, in Scotland, becomes incapable of managing his own affairs.


An authorisation as an examiner of persons in partnership terminates if the firm is dissolved.


An authorisation as an examiner of a company terminates if in relation to the company—


a winding-up order is made;


a resolution for voluntary winding-up is passed;


a receiver or manager of the body's undertaking is appointed; or


the taking of possession, by or on behalf of the holders of any debenture secured by a floating charge, or of any property of the body comprised in or subject to the charge, occurs.


An examiner may at any time give notice to the Secretary of State stating that after such date as may be specified in the notice that examiner does not propose to continue to act as an examiner under any of the authorisations of that examiner or under such authorisation as may be specified in the notice, and any authorisation to which the said notice relates shall cease to have effect on the date so specified in relation to it.


The Secretary of State may at any time give to an examiner a notice which states—


that as from a date specified in the notice such one or more of the authorisations of the examiner as are specified in the notice shall, unless the notice is cancelled before that date, cease;


in a case where the date on which the authorisation or authorisations shall cease is less than F8335 days from the date of the notice, that the Secretary of State considers it necessary that the notice shall have early effect; and


that within 14 days from the date of the notice the examiner (or any person acting on his behalf) may make to the Secretary of State, at an address specified in the notice, written representations to the effect that any authorisation to which that notice relates should not cease or should be restored.


An authorisation in respect of which a notice is given in accordance with paragraph (5) shall, save as provided in paragraph (5)(a), cease on the date specified in the notice as the date on which the authorisation shall cease.

Forms and documents to be returned to Secretary of StateI1111


If an authorisation of an examiner or the designation of a Council ceases to have effect, the former examiner or, if appropriate, his authorised representative, or, as the case may be, the Council shall send to the Secretary of State at the office of the traffic area in which is situated the vehicle testing station specified in the authorisation ceasing to have effect or the vehicle testing station of the council such of the following documents as are then in the possession of the examiner or the council—


all unused forms of test certificatesF62... and notices of refusal to issue a test certificate;


all copies of test certificates and notices of the refusal of test certificates;


all other records kept in accordance with Regulation 22; and


in the case of the authorisation of an examiner ceasing to have effect, the document of authorisation:

Provided that where an authorisation of an examiner ceases to have effect but some other authorisation of that examiner continues in force the Secretary of State may consent to the retention by that examiner of all or any of the documents mentioned in sub-paragraphs (a) to (d) above.


On receipt by the Secretary of State of any unused forms of test certificates sent to him in accordance with paragraph (1) he shall repay to the authorised examiner or the authorised representatives of that examiner, or to the council, as the case may be, such amount as may have been paid to the Secretary of State for the supply of the said forms.


The Secretary of State may in respect of unissued forms of test certificates which are returned to him as having been cancelled because they have been spoilt or defaced make an appropriate refund to the examiner or designated council by whom the forms are so returned.



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Applications for examinationsI1212


An application for an examination of a vehicle in F128Class VI or VIA under these Regulations shall be made to the Secretary of State F22and, subject to paragraph (1A) below, shall be in writing.


An application for a re-examination of a vehicle in F129Class VI or VIA under these Regulations need not be in writing if the application is made before the expiration of 28 days after the last examination.


An application for an examination (including a re-examination) of a vehicle in a class other than F130Class VI or VIA under these Regulations shall be made as indicated in the Table below:—




Item No.

Person or body to whom application must be made

Manner in which appointment must be made


An examiner or a designated council.

By arrangement following application made in writing or, during the normal working week, by telephone to, or in person at (whether by submitting the vehicle or not), the vehicle testing station where the applicant desires the vehicle to be examined.


The Secretary of State.

By arrangement following prior application.


Subject to the following provisions of these Regulations, examiners and designated councils shall ensure that—


where in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) an appointment is requested for the carrying out of an examination by the examiner or, as the case may be, the designated council, an appointment is forthwith offered for the carrying out of the examination at the earliest time at which it is reasonably practicable for the examination to be carried out during the normal working week;


where in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (2) a vehicle is submitted for examination by the examiner or, as the case may be, the designated council without any appointment for the carrying out of the examination having been previously made, the applicant is informed either that the examination can be carried out forthwith or, if not, of the earliest time at which it is reasonably practicable for the examination to be carried out during the normal working week;


except in so far as prevented by circumstances beyond the control of the examiner or council, examinations are carried out in accordance with the appointments made or the information given in pursuance of the preceding provisions of this paragraph or at such other times as may be arranged between the applicant and the examiner or council.


On an appointment being made or a time being arranged for the carrying out of an examination in accordance with paragraph (3) the examiner or the designated council, as the case may be, shall record the hour and the date thereof and the name of the person by whom the application for the examination is made:

Provided that no such record needs to be made in a case where a vehicle is submitted for examination at a vehicle testing station of an examiner or designated council, without any appointment for the carrying out of the examination having been previously made, and the examination is carried out forthwith.


Any examiner and any inspector appointed by a designated council F84... may carry out an examination of a motor vehicle in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations notwithstanding that the foregoing provisions of this Regulation have not been complied with F85; and the reference in this paragraph to any examiner shall include a reference to any examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988.


Nothing in this Regulation shall be taken as entitling an examiner to carry out an examination of a vehicle not being of a type included in the authorisation of the examiner, or as imposing on a designated council or an inspector appointed by such a council any obligation with respect to the carrying out of an examination of a vehicle not being of a type which that council have for the time being notified to the Secretary of State as a type of vehicle which will be examined by inspectors appointed by that council.

Requirements as to vehicles submitted for examinationsI1313


An examiner and an inspector appointed by a designated council F87... shall not be under any obligation to carry out an examination of a motor vehicle where—


on the submission of a vehicle for an examination the applicant does not, after being requested to do so, produce the registration book issued under the Road Vehicles (Registration and Licencing) Regulations 1971 relating to the vehicle, or other evidence, acceptable to the examiner, inspector or Secretary of State, of the date of the vehicle's first use or manufacture and the chassis or serial number given to the vehicle by its manufacturer and, if the manufacturer has also given the vehicle an identification number, that number also;


the vehicle or any part thereof or any of its equipment is so dirty as to make it unreasonably difficult for the examination to be carried out in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations;


the examiner or inspector is not able with the facilities and apparatus available to him at the place at which the examination would otherwise be carried out to complete the examination without the vehicle being driven and the vehicle is not when submitted for examination, either for want of fuel or oil or for any other reason, fit to be driven to such extent as may be necessary for the purposes of the carrying out of the examination;


before the carrying out of an examination of a motor vehicle any things which are on the vehicle, and are not part of its equipment or accessories, are required by the examiner or inspector to be removed from the vehicle or to be secured in such manner as he may think necessary and the things are not removed or secured accordingly; F63...


in a case where the fee for the examination is payable in advance of the examination the examiner, or inspector, F87... is not satisfied that the fee payable for the examination has been paid as required by Regulation 20(2)(a) or (b)(i); F88...


in the case of a F131Class VI or VIA vehicle—


the vehicle is not submitted for examination at the time and date fixed for the examination; or


the driver of the vehicle is requested to remain in it or its vicinity throughout the examination, to drive it, to operate its controls, to remove or refit its panels or to open or close its doors and he declines to do so;


the vehicle emits substantial quantities of avoidable smoke;


a proper examination of the vehicle cannot readily be carried out as a consequence of any door, tailgate, boot lid, engine cover, fuel cap or other device designed to be capable of being readily opened, being locked or otherwise fixed so that it cannot be readily opened; F165...


without prejudice to sub-paragraph (c), the condition of the vehicle is such that, in the opinion of the examiner or inspector, a proper examination of the vehicle would involve a danger of—


injury to any person, or


damage to the vehicle or any other propertyF166; or


in the case of a vehicle propelled by a compression ignition engine, to which regulation 61(10BA) of the Construction and Use Regulations applies, the exhaust system has been so altered that the examiner or inspector is not able, with the facilities and apparatus available to him at the place at which the examination would otherwise be carried out, to determine whether Part II of Schedule 7B to those Regulations applies to the vehicle.


A reference in this Regulation to an examiner shall include a reference to an examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Conditions as to responsibility for damage to vehicles and third party liabilitiesI1414


Where a motor vehicle has been submitted for an examination to be carried out by an examiner or an inspector appointed by a designated council F92..., the examiner, designated council F92... (as the case may be) shall have the same responsibility for—


loss of or damage to the vehicle or its equipment or accessories occurring in connection with the carrying out of the examination during any period while the vehicle is, in connection with the carrying out of the examination, in the custody of the examiner, council F92..., and


loss of or damage to any other property or personal injury (whether fatal or not), being loss, damage or injury arising out of the use of the vehicle in connection with the carrying out of the examination,

as would rest on a person who, having the same facilities for carrying out the examination as are available to the person who is to carry out the examination, had undertaken for payment to accept the custody of the vehicle and to carry out the same examination under a contract making no express provision with respect to the incidence of liability as between the parties thereto for any such loss, damage or injury.


Where a motor vehicle has been submitted for an examination to be carried out by an examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988, paragraph (1) shall affect in relation to the examination as if—


the first reference in that paragraph to an examiner or an inspector appointed by a designated council were a reference to an examiner appointed under that section; and


the second reference in that paragraph to an examiner or an insepctor appointed by a designated council were a reference to the Secretary of State.


No person submitting a vehicle for an examination or having an interest in such a vehicle shall be requested or required by an examiner, a designated council or the Secretary of State either directly or indirectly to accept any responsibility for, or to give any relcase or indemnity in respect of, any loss, damage or injury for which the examiner, council or Secretary of State (as the case may be) are responsible under paragraph (1).


Nothing in paragraph (1) or (2) shall preclude any person from being requested or required to accept any responsibility for, or to give a release or indemnity in respect of—


loss of or damage to a vehicle or its equipment or accessories occurring during any period while the vehicle is in the custody of an examiner, a designated council or the Secretary of State after the time when the vehicle is required to be removed from such custody in pursuance of the provisions of Regulation 17(1), or


loss, damage or injury arising out of the carrying out by an examiner, at the request of the person submitting the vehicle for an examination or of a person having an interest in the vehicle, of repairs to the vehicle or of repairs or replacements of its equipment or accessories.


In this Regulation—


references to an examination, in relation to a vehicle which, after the carrying out of an examination, remains in the custody of an examiner, a designated council or the Secretary of State in order that a further examination of that vehicle may be carried out, include references to that further examination, F93...


references to a period while a vehicle is in the custody of a designated council F94... include references to any period while a vehicle is, in connection with the carrying out of an examination of the vehicle by an inspector appointed by such a council F94..., in the control or care of such an inspector; F95and


references to a period while a vehicle is in the custody of the Secretary of State include references to any period while a vehicle is, in connection with the carrying out of an examination of the vehicle by an examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988, in the control or care of such an examiner.

Results of examinationsI1515


Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, examiners and inspectors appointed by a designated council or the Secretary of State shall, after an examination of a motor vehicle is completed and, subject to paragraph (2), on the same date as that on which the examination is completed—


where it is found on the examination that the prescribed statutory requirements are complied with in relation to the vehicle, issue a test certificate; F42and


where it is not so found on the examination, issue a notice of the refusal of a test certificate F67stating the grounds thereof; F43...


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Where it is not practicable for a test certificate F45... to be issued on the same date as that on which the examination of the vehicle is completed the said certificate F45... may be issued within one day following that date, if between the time of the completion of the examination and the time of issue of the test certificate the vehicle has not been moved from the vehicle testing station at which the examination was carried out and the condition of the vehicle has not altered so as to result in the prescribed statutory requirements being no longer complied with in relation thereto, and where it is not practicable for a notice of the refusal of a test certificate F45... to be issued on the same date as that on which the examination of the vehicle is completed, the said notice F45... may be issued within one day following that date.


Subject to the provisions of these Regulations—


every test certificate shall be on a form supplied by the Secretary of State (marked “VT20” or, if it relates to a F132Class VI or VIA vehicle, “VTP20”) F65...;


every notice of the refusal of a test certificate shall be on a form supplied by the Secretary of State (marked “F14VT 30” or, if it relates to a F133Class VI or VIA vehicle, “VTP30” F13or, if it relates to a Class I or II vehicle, “VT 30M”) F66....


Every test certificate, F40and notice of the refusal of a test certificate F41... issued in accordance with the provisions of this Regulation and Regulation 16 shall, after the examination has been carried out, be signed—


where the examination is carried out at the premises of an examiner, by the person who carried out the examination;


where the examination is carried out by an inspector appointed by a designated council F97..., by that inspector who shall specify the authority by whom he has been appointed as inspector,


where the examination is carried out by an examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988, by that examiner F116or by a person authorised in that behalf by the Secretary of State,

and any signature on a test certificate or notice of refusal of a test certificate by a person in accordance with sub-paragraph (a) above or by an inspector appointed by a designated council in accordance with sub-paragraph (b) above shall be accompanied by an embossment by a stamp of the examiner or the council on whose behalf the certificate of notice is signed.


For the purposes of paragraph (4)(c) only, any test certificate or notice of the refusal of a test certificate which has been issued in accordance with the provisions of this regulation or regulation 16 and which bears a facsimile, by whatever process reproduced, of the signature of the examiner or other authorised person shall be deemed to have been duly signed.

Refusal of a test certificate where braking test cannot be carried outI1616


Where in the course of an examination of a vehicle by an examiner or an inspector appointed by a designated council F99... it is found that there are such defects in the construction or condition of the vehicle or its equipment or accessories that to carry out a braking test of the vehicle in the manner in which braking tests of such vehicles are carried out at the vehicle testing station at which the examination is being carried out would be likely to cause danger to any person or damage to the vehicle or any other property, the examiner or inspector shall not carry out the braking test but shall complete the rest of the examination in accordance with the provisions of these Regulations.


Where in any such case as is mentioned in paragraph (1) an examiner or inspector does not carry out a braking test of a vehicle, he shall provide the applicant for the test with a notice on a form marked “F15VT 30” or, if it relates to a F134Class VI or VIA vehicle, “VTP30” F16or, if it relates to a Class I or II vehicle, “VT 30M”, supplied by the Secretary of State and stating—


that he could not safely carry out the braking test, and the reason therefor, F117...


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


In this Regulation “braking test”, means that part of the examination of that vehicle which is required or authorised to be carried out to ascertain whether the braking requirements are complied with.


A reference in this Regulation to an examiner shall include a reference to an examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988.

Removal of vehicles submitted for examinationI1717


Where a vehicle has been submitted for an examination at a vehicle testing station of an examiner, a designated council or the Secretary of State, the person by whom the vehicle has been so submitted shall save as may otherwise be permitted by the examiner, designated council or the Secretary of State, as the case may be, cause it to be removed from the custody of the examiner, council or the Secretary of State, as the case may be—


where an appointment or arrangement has been made for the carrying out of the examination on a particular day and the examination has been completed on or before that day, before the end of the second day after that day, or


in any other case, before the end of the second day after the day on which the person submitting the vehicle for examination is given notice (whether in writing or not)—


that the examination has been carried out, or


in a case where the examination is not carried out by reason of any of the provisions of Regulation 13 that he is to remove the vehicle from such custody.


In this Regulation—


references to an examination, in relation to a vehicle which, after the carrying out of an examination, remains in the custody of an examiner, a designated council or the Secretary of State in order that a further examination of that vehicle may be carried out, include references to that further examination, F100...


references to a vehicle as being in the custody of a designated council F102... include references to a vehicle which is, in connection with the carrying out of an examination by an inspector appointed by such a council F102..., in the control or care of such an inspector.


references to a vehicle as being in the custody of the Secretary of State include references to a vehicle which is, in connection with the carrying out of an examination of the vehicle by an examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988, in the control or care of such an examiner.


Appeal on refusal of a test certificateI1818


A person to whom a notice of the refusal of a test certificate has been issued may appeal to the Secretary of State and, save as may be otherwise permitted by the Secretary of State, any such appeal shall—


be on a form approved by the Secretary of State and contain the particulars required by that form;


be sent to the office of any traffic area within 14 days from the date of the said notice.


As soon as reasonably practicable after the date on which the Secretary of State receives a notice in accordance with paragraph (1) he shall send to the appellant, at his address given on the said notice, a notice stating—


the place at which the examination for the purposes of the appeal will occur, and


the time at which that examination will start.


Save as may be otherwise permitted by the Secretary of State, the examination mentioned in paragraph (2) shall not occur unless the applicant, or a person acting on his behalf—


submits the vehicle in respect of which the appeal is made to the place specified in the notice given by the Secretary of State mentioned in paragraph (2) not later than the time specified in that notice as that at which the examination will start;


produces to the person appointed by the Secretary of State to carry out the examination—


the notice of the refusal of a test certificate issued as a result of the examination in connection with which the appeal is made, and


the registration document relating to the vehicle or other sufficient evidence of the date of its first registration or date of manufacture; and


gives to that person such information as he may reasonably require in connection with the carrying out of the examination relating to any alteration made or repairs carried out or any accident or other event occurring, since the date of the said notice, which may have affected the vehicle or its equipment or accessories,

and the said officer shall not be required to carry out the examination unless such notice, registration document or other evidence is produced and such other information is given.


The provisions of Regulations F103... 13(b), (c) and (d) and 16 shall apply in relation to an examination for the purposes of an appeal as they apply in relation to other examinations, and as if references therein to—


F104an examiner were references to the person carrying out the examination for the purposes of the appeal;


a vehicle testing station were references to the place where the examination for the purposes of the appeal occurs.


When a person completes an examination under the provisions of this Regulation he shall issue to the appellant—




a test certificate, or


a notice of the refusal of a test certificate stating the grounds thereof; and


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Test certificates, F47and notices of the refusal of a test certificate, F48... issued under this Regulation—


shall, subject to such modifications as may be appropriate, be in the same form F68as is appropriate in the case of a test certificate, F49or a notice of the refusal of a test certificate F50... issued under the provisions of these Regulations by an inspector appointed by the Secretary of State, and


shall be signed on behalf of the Secretary of State by the officer carrying out the examination for the purposes of the appeal.


The above provisions of this Regulation do not apply where a notification of refusal of a test certificate has been issued following an examination for the purpose of an appeal.

Payments to examiners and designated councils at whose premises examinations on appeals are carried outI1919

Where arrangements are made for the carrying out at a vehicle testing station of an examiner or designated council of an examination for the purposes of an appeal under Regulation 18 an amount equal to one half of the amount payable on that appeal shall be payable by the Secretary of State to that examiner or council, as the case may be, in respect of the use of the station and apparatus thereat to be made available under the said arrangements:

Provided that the said amount shall not be payable—


if the Secretary of State gives the examiner or council not less than one day's notice (whether in writing or otherwise) that the examination is not to take place in accordance with the said arrangements, or


if the examiner or council, as the case may be, does not make the testing station and the apparatus thereat available to the Secretary of State to his reasonable requirements.

Commencement Information

Reg. 19 in force at 31.12.1981, see reg. 1


Fees for examinationsI2020


Subject to the following provisions of this regulation, the fee payable for an examination of a vehicle pursuant to an application made under regulation 12 is–


in the case of a motor bicycle not having a side car attached to it, F153£13.04;


in the case of a motor bicycle with a side car attached to it, F154£21.80;


in the case of a vehicle in Class III, F155£25.63;


in the case of a vehicle in Class IV


if the vehicle is a minibus, F156£33.91,


in any other case, F157£32.11;


in the case of a vehicle in Class IVA, F158£38.67;


in the case of a vehicle in Class V—


if the vehicle is constructed or adapted to carry more than 16 passengers, F159£53.36,


in any other case, F160£39.18;


in the case of a vehicle in Class VA


if the vehicle is constructed or adapted to carry more than 16 passengers, F161£76.68,


in any other case, F162£47.87;


save as provided in paragraph (4), in the case of a vehicle in Class VI


if the vehicle is constructed or adapted to carry more than F11116 passengers, F167£49,


in any other case, F168£35;


save as provided in paragraphs (4A) and (4B), in the case of a vehicle in Class VIA—


if the vehicle is constructed or adapted to carry more than 16 passengers, F169£82,


in any other case, F170£45;


in the case of a vehicle in Class VII, F163£33.80.


Subject to the following provisions of this Regulation, every fee prescribed by paragraph (1) shall be paid—


if the application is one to which regulation 12(1) applies (not being an application for an re-examination), at the time the application is made;


if the application is one to which Regulation 12(2) applies or, in the case of an application for a re-examination, is one to which Regulation 12(1) and (1A) applies –


before the examination is carried out if the Secretary of State or the examiner or designated council by whom the examination is to be carried out so requires; and


after the examination is carried out in all other cases.


Subject to paragraph (2B), where, in the case of a vehicle in F138Class VI or VIA, the time appointed for an examination is, at the applicant’s request, out of hours, the fee payable for the examination shall be increased by F171£29 in the case of a vehicle which is constructed or adapted to carry more than 16 passengers, and F171£21 in any other case, such additional amount being payable at or before the time of the appointment.


Where, in the case of a vehicle in F139Class VI or VIA, the vehicle testing station appointed for an examination is, at the applicant’s request, one which was designated under section 8(3) of the 1981 Act after 10th April 1995, the fee payable for the examination shall be increased, or, in a case where paragraph (2A) applies, further increased, by F172£7, such additional amount being payable at or before the time of the appointment.


Where, on an examination of vehicle other than a vehicle in F140Class VI or VIA, it is found that some or all of the prescribed statutory requirements are not complied with or where, in the circumstances mentioned in Regulation 16, a full examination of the braking system or systems of the vehicle is not carried out, then—


if the vehicle is left at the vehicle testing station at which the examination took place so that the defects which have been revealed can be repaired, no fee shall be payable in respect of any further examination carried out there on the completion of those repairs,


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


No fee shall be payable for the re-examination of a vehicle other than in F149Class IVA, VA, VI or VIA if–


the vehicle is re-examined at the same vehicle testing station where the vehicle failed the examination before the end of the next day following the examination on which the examiner, designated council or the Secretary of State (as the case may be) will accept vehicles for examination; and


the re-examination relates only to one or more of the following F106matters

  • F107anti-lock braking system warning device;

  • F79audible warning instruments;

  • F107body condition where the re-examination of the body is carried out solely for the purposes of ascertaining whether there are any sharp edges or projections likely to cause injury;

  • F107brake pedal anti-slip devices;

  • direction indicators;

  • doors and other openings;

  • emissions;

  • F107fuel filler cap;

  • glass and field of vision;

  • hazard warning signal device;

  • lamps;

  • mirrors;

  • rear retro reflectors;

  • registration marks;

  • F107seats;

  • seat belts;

  • F107steering wheel;

  • vehicle identification numbers;

  • or windscreen cleaning.


Subject to paragraph (3C), where, on an examination of a vehicle in Class IVA or VA, it is found that some or all of the prescribed statutory requirements, other than those referred to in item 28A in paragraph 3A of Schedule 2, are not complied with, then, provided the vehicle is re-examined at the same vehicle testing station where it failed the examination, the fee payable for the re-examination shall be calculated as if the vehicle was in Class IV or V respectively.


No fee shall be payable for the re-examination of a vehicle in Class IVA or VA, in respect of which it is found that some or all of the prescribed statutory requirements, other than those referred to in item 28A in paragraph 3A of Schedule 2, are not complied with if—


the vehicle is re-examined in the circumstances referred to in paragraph (3A)(a); and


the re-examination relates only to one or more of the matters referred to in paragraph (3A)(b).


Where, on an examination of a vehicle of a description specified in column 1 of the Table, it is found that some or all of the prescribed statutory requirements are not complied with, or when, in the circumstances mentioned in regulation 16, a full examination of the braking system or systems of the vehicle is not carried out, then the fee payable in respect of a further examination–


subject to sub-paragraph (c), in a case where the time appointed for the further examination is, at the applicant’s request, out of hours, shall be as shown in column 3 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description;


subject to sub-paragraph (c), in a case where the vehicle testing station appointed for an examination is, at the applicant’s request, one which was designated under section 8(3) of the 1981 Act after 10th April 1995, shall be as shown in column 4 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description;


in a case where both sub-paragraph (a) and (b) apply, shall be as shown in column 5 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description, and


in any other case, shall be as shown in column 2 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description.


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 5

Description of Vehicle

Normal Fee

Out of Hours Fee

Designated Premises Fee

Out of Hours at Designated Premises Fee

Vehicles in Class VI constructed or adapted to carry more than 16 passengers.


F173£24, if the vehicle is submitted for a further examination within 14 days of the date of the issue of the notice of refusal of a test certificate, or


F173£49, in any other case.


F173£39, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F173£78, in any other case.


F173£28, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F173£56, in any other case.


F173£43, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F173£85, in any other case.

Other vehicles in Class VI.


F173£17, if the vehicle is submitted for a further examination within 14 days of the date of the issue of the notice of refusal of a test certificate, or


F173£35, in any other case.


F173£28, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F173£56, in any other case.


F173£21, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F173£42, in any other case.


F173£32, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F173£63, in any other case.


Where, on an examination of a vehicle of a description specified in column 1 of the Table, it is found that some or all of the prescribed statutory requirements, including those referred to in item 28A in paragraph 3A of Schedule 2, are not complied with, then the fee payable in respect of a further examination—


subject to sub-paragraph (c), in a case where the time appointed for the further examination is, at the applicant’s request, out of hours, shall be as shown in column 3 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description;


subject to sub-paragraph (c), in a case where the vehicle testing station appointed for an examination is, at the applicant’s request, one which was designated under section 8(3) of the 1981 Act after 10th April 1995, shall be as shown in column 4 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description;


in a case where both sub-paragraph (a) and (b) apply, shall be as shown in column 5 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description, and


in any other case, shall be as shown in column 2 of the Table in relation to a vehicle of that description.


Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Column 5

Description of Vehicle

Normal Fee

Out of Hours Fee

Designated Premises Fee

Out of Hours at Designated Premises Fee

Vehicles in Class VIA constructed or adapted to carry more than 16 passengers.


F174£38, if the vehicle is submitted for a further examination within 14 days of the date of the issue of the notice of refusal of a test certificate, or


F174£82, in any other case.


F174£53, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F174£111, in any other case.


F174£42, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F174£89, in any other case.


F174£57, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F174£118, in any other case.

Other vehicles in Class VIA.


F174£21, if the vehicle is submitted for a further examination within 14 days of the date of the issue of the notice of refusal of a test certificate, or


F174£45, in any other case.


F174£32, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F174£66, in any other case.


F174£25, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F174£52, in any other case.


F174£36, in the circumstances described in paragraph (a) of the entry in column 2, or


F174£73, in any other case.


Where, on an examination of a vehicle in Class VIA, it is found that some or all of the prescribed statutory requirements, other than those referred to in item 28A in paragraph 3A of Schedule 2, are not complied with, or when, in the circumstances mentioned in regulation 16, a full examination of the braking system or systems of the vehicle is not carried out, then the fee payable in respect of a further examination shall be calculated in accordance with paragraph (4) above as if the vehicle was in Class VI.


Save as provided in paragraphs (5A) and (5B), the fees prescribed by F144paragraphs (1), (4), (4A) and (4B) shall be payable notwithstanding that the vehicle is not submitted for examination in accordance with any such appointment or arrangement as is mentioned in Regulation 12.


If, in the case of a vehicle not in F147Class VI or VIA, the applicant for the examination has not less than one day before the time so appointed or arranged given the examining authority notice (whether in writing or otherwise) that the applicant does not propose to submit the vehicle for examination at the time so appointed or arranged, the application shall be treated for the purposes of this Regulation as one in respect of which no fee is payable, and any amount previously paid in respect of such a fee shall be repayable by the examining authority to the applicant unless another time is arranged for the carrying out of the examination.


If, in the case of a vehicle in F148Class VI or VIA, the applicant—


has not less than 7 days before the day fixed under these Regulations for the carrying out of the examination given the Secretary of State notice (whether in writing or otherwise) at the address from which the notice of the appointment was issued that the applicant does not propose to submit the vehicle for examination on that day, or


satisfies the Secretary of State that the vehicle cannot, or, as the case may be, could not be submitted for the examination on the day or at the time fixed for the examination because of exceptional circumstances occurring not more than 7 days before the said time and of which the applicant gives notice to the Secretary of State (whether in writing or otherwise) at the said address within 3 days of the occurrence of those circumstances,

then the applicant may either—


make an application in writing to the Secretary of State at the said address, either at the time of the notice given under sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph or within 28 days of the date thereof, for another examination of the same kind for that vehicle or another vehicle to be carried out within three months of the date of the application, and in that event the said fee shall be treated as having been paid in respect of that application unless the fee in respect of that application is greater, in which case the fee already paid shall be treated as having been paid towards the fee payable in respect of that application, or


give notice to Secretary of State at the place mentioned in sub-paragraph (i) above, and at the time of the notice given under sub-paragraph (a) or (b) of this paragraph or within 28 days of the date thereof, that no other examination of the same kind is required for that vehicle or another vehicle, and in that event F24the fee shall be reduced to £1.50 (the balance of any sum paid in respect of the fee being refundable).


No fee shall be payable on an application for an examination of any vehicle, not being a vehicle in F146Class VI or VIA, in any case where in pursuance of any of the provisions of Regulation 13 an authorised examiner F105, the inspector appointed by a designated council or the examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988 does not carry out the examination, and any amount previously paid in any such case in respect of such a fee shall be repaid by the examining authority to the applicant.


The F145fees prescribed by paragraphs (4) and (4B) shall not be payable if—


the vehicle is re-examined before the end of the next day following an earlier examination of it being a day on which the Secretary of State will accept vehicles for examination;


the person who re-examines the vehicle on behalf of the Secretary of State was already at the premises at which the re-examination occurs for the purpose of carrying out an examination on another vehicle;


the re-examination relates only to one or more of the following requirements specified in Schedule 2–


audible warning instruments,




cleanliness of body,


(irection indicators,


field of vision,


fire extinguishing apparatus,


first aid equipment,


hazard warning signal device,




markings of doors,


markings of emergency exits,


markings of fuel tanks and carburettors,




rear retro reflectors,


spare wheel carrier,


speed limiter and plate,




windscreen cleaning, and


the specified requirements of the Community Recording Equipment Regulation.


In this Regulation “exceptional circumstances” means an accident, a fire, an epidemic, severe weather, a failure in the supply of essential services or other unexpected happening (excluding a breakdown or mechanical defect in a vehicle or non-delivery of spare parts for a vehicle).

Fees on appealsI2121


The fee payable on an appeal made in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 18 is the same amount as the fee payable under Regulation 20(1).


Save as provided in paragraph (4), every fee prescribed by paragraph (1) as the fee payable on an appeal shall be paid at the same time as the appeal is made, and if that fee is not so paid the Secretary of State shall not be obliged to deal with the appeal.


After the completion of the examination for the purposes of the appeal the Secretary of State may repay to the appellant, as he thinks fit, either the whole or a part of the fee paid on the appeal where it appears to him there are substantial grounds for contesting the whole or part of the decision appealed against.


A fee payable on an appeal in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Regulation shall be payable notwithstanding that the vehicle is not submitted for examination in accordance with the provisions of Regulation 18:

Provided that if the appellant has before the time fixed under Regulation 18 for the carrying out of the examination given the Secretary of State not less than two days' notice (whether in writing or otherwise) at the office of the traffic area at which his appeal was lodged or if he has been given such a notice as is specified in Regulation 18(2), at the address specified in that notice as the address to which any communication relating to the appeal is to be sent, that the appellant does not propose to submit the vehicle for examination at that time, the appeal shall be treated for the purposes of this Regulation as one in respect of which no fee is payable and any amount previously paid in respect of such a fee shall be repaid by the Secretary of State to the appellant unless another time is arranged for the carrying out of the examination.

Commencement Information

Reg. 21 in force at 31.12.1981, see reg. 1


Records to be kept and returns to be furnished by examiners and designated councilsI2222


Examiners and designated councils shall make, in duplicate, at each of their respective vehicle testing stations a record relating to all examinations carried out at that station, and that record shall be on a form supplied by the Secretary of State and marked “VT. 12” and contain the particulars required by that form.


On one of the first fourteen days of each month each authorised examiner and designated council shall send to the Secretary of State at the office of the traffic area in which is situated the vehicle testing station at which the record is kept—


one copy of the record containing all the entries made therein relating to any examination as a result of which a test certificate or a notification of the refusal of a test certificate has been issued during the last preceding month, or


if no such certificate or notification has been issued, a notice to that effect.


Subject to the following provisions of these Regulations, the other copy of the record shall be kept by the examiner or council at the station at which the examinations to which it relates are carried out for a period sufficient to ensure that upon the inspection at any time of that record under Regulation 24 the entries relating to any examination carried out within the last preceding eighteen months will be available for inspection.


Subject to the following provisions of these Regulations, each examiner and designated council shall ensure that upon the issue by that examiner or an inspector appointed by that council of a test certificate or of a notice of the refusal of a test certificate, a copy of that certificate or notice, F51... is made and preserved at that station for a period of not less than eighteen months.

Duplicate test certificatesI2323


Subject to paragraph (2), if a test certificate has been lost or defaced, an application for the issue of a duplicate of the original certificate may be made—


where the original certificate did not relate to a F150Class VI or VIA vehicle—


in a case where the original certificate was issued not more than eighteen months previously by an authorised examiner at a vehicle testing station specified in an authorisation of that examiner which has not ceased to have effect, to that examiner at that station;


in a case where the original certificate was issued by an inspector appointed by a designated council whose designation has not been revoked, to that council;


in a case where the original certificate was issued by an F108examiner appointed under section 66A of the Road Traffic Act 1988, to the Secretary of State at the vehicle testing station where the examination which resulted in the issue of the certificate was carried out;


in any other case, to the Secretary of State at the office of the traffic area in which is situated the vehicle testing station or other place at which the certificate was issued;


where the original certificate related to a F150Class VI or VIA vehicle, to the Secretary of State at F72the PSV Centre, Welcombe House, 91-92 The Strand, Swansea, SA1 2DH F73or at any goods vehicle testing station.


The examiner, council or Secretary of State to whom an application is made under paragraph (1) shall search the copies of test certificates and other records in their possession and upon tracing sufficient particulars of the certificate to which the application relates to enable a duplicate to be issued and on being paid


a fee of £10.00; or


if less, a fee which is half of the relevant fee specified in regulation 20(1), provided that when that would have the result that the amount payable would include a fraction of a penny then the amount payable shall be adjusted downwards to the nearest penny;

shall issue a duplicate marked “Duplicate” and the duplicate so issued shall have the same effect as the original test certificate:

Provided that no such search need to be made if the original certificate was issued more than 18 months previously or if the applicant does not furnish with his application F70... the approximate date of its issue, together with particulars of the registration mark of the vehicle to which the certificate relates and (in the case specified in F71paragraph (1)(a)(iv)) also either the address or the identification number of the vehicle testing station at which the original certificate was issued.

Inspection of premises, apparatus and recordsI2424

A Ministry Inspector may at any time, during the normal working week on production if so required of his authority, enter any vehicle testing station of an examiner or council and upon such entry he shall be entitled to—


inspect the station and the apparatus provided at the station for the purpose of carrying out examinations and watch any examination which may be taking place including any part of the examination which is carried out on a road or elsewhere than at the station,


satisfy himself as to the efficiency of such apparatus and, in the case of apparatus designed to give an indication of a measurement, to require evidence to be furnished to him that it will do so accurately within reasonable limits,


inspect all records and copies of test certificates F52and notifications of the refusal of test certificates F53... which are required to be kept or preserved at that station in accordance with Regulation 22, and


be furnished with such information as he may reasonably require with respect to any of the said matters.



The Secretary of State may prepare and supply for use for the purposes of these Regulations any form which by these Regulations is required to be approved by him or which is required for use as a test certificate F54or a notice of the refusal of a test certificate, F55... or for the purposes of constituting the record required to be kept under Regulation 22, and may include on any such form such additional matter as he may consider to be of assistance to persons making use of these forms or to persons to whom such forms may be issued when completed and no form other than one so prepared and supplied shall be used in any such case.


The Secretary of State may make a charge at the rate of F152£58.00 for the supply of 100 forms of test certificate supplied for use for the purposes of these Regulations.


Except as otherwise provided in these Regulations, every notice under these Regulations shall be—


in writing, and


if given by the Secretary of State to an examiner by post, addressed to the examiner at the registered office of the examiner if the examiner is a company and at the place specified in the authorisation of the examiner as his principal place of business in any other case.

Commencement Information

Reg. 26 in force at 31.12.1981, see reg. 1

Computation of timeI2727

No period of time prescribed in these Regulations shall include any day which is F6a Saturday, Sunday, Good Friday, Christmas Day or a bank holiday under the Banking and Financial Dealings Act 1971.

F3Certificates of temporary exemption28


A public service vehicle in respect of which a certificate complying with the provisions specified in paragraph (2) below has been issued in the circumstances specified in paragraph (3) below is exempt from the provisions of section 44(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1972 until that certificate expires.


Those provisions are that the certificate—


is in a form approved by the Secretary of State which shall contain—


the registration mark (if any) exhibited on the vehicle or, if no such mark is so exhibited, the chasis or serial number marked on the vehicle,


the date on which the certificate is issued, and


the period during which the vehicle is exempted from the provisions of section 44(1) of the Road Traffic Act 1972; and


is signed by a person authorised in that behalf by the Secretary of State.


The circumstances mentioned in paragraph (1) above are an accident, a fire, an epidemic, severe weather, a failure in the supply of essential services or other unexpected happening (excluding a breakdown or mechanical defect in a vehicle or non-delivery of spare parts therefor).


No certificate F7... issued by virtue of this Regulation shall be valid for more than 3 months.

David HowellSecretary of State for Transport