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Your search for English language UK Statutory Instruments from 1981 with a subject starting with E has returned 13 results.

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TitleYears and NumbersLegislation type

Ecclesiastical Law

The Church Representation Rules (Amendment) (No. 2) Resolution 1981.1981 No. 1650UK Statutory Instruments
The Church Representation Rules (Amendment) Resolution 19811981 No. 959UK Statutory Instruments

Education, England and Wales

The Colleges of Education (Compensation) (Amendment) Regulations 19811981 No. 1088UK Statutory Instruments
The Education (Schools and Further Education) Regulations 19811981 No. 1086UK Statutory Instruments
The Teachers' Superannuation (Notional Salaries) Regulations 19811981 No. 934UK Statutory Instruments

Estate Agents

The Estate Agents (Accounts) Regulations 19811981 No. 1520UK Statutory Instruments
The Estate Agents (Entry and Inspection) Regulations 19811981 No. 1519UK Statutory Instruments
The Estate Agents Act 1979 (Commencement No. 1) Order 19811981 No. 1517 (C. 37)UK Statutory Instruments

European Communities

The European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Accession of the Republic of Zimbabwe To the Second ACP-EEC Convention of Lomé) Order 1981 (revoked)1981 No. 835UK Statutory Instruments
The European Communities (Definition of Treaties) (Yugoslavia Agreements) Order 1981 (revoked)1981 No. 1125UK Statutory Instruments
The European Communities (Designation) ( No. 3) Order 1981 (revoked)1981 No. 1536UK Statutory Instruments
The European Communities (Designation) (No.2) Order 1981 (revoked)1981 No. 833UK Statutory Instruments
The European Communities (Designation) Order 1981 (revoked)1981 No. 206UK Statutory Instruments

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