2. In this Scheme—
“accounting period” means
“the Act” means
“the appointed day” means
“cargo handling” means
“the contributing authorities” means
“contributions” means
“financial year” means,
“the first accounting period” means
“harbour”, “fishery harbour” and “marine work”
“the last financial year” means,
“relevant income” means,
income in respect of cargo handling by the contributing authority;
income received by the contributing authority in respect of pilot-age;
income from securities owned by the contributing authority other than securities of a subsidiary (within the meaning of section 154 of the Companies Act 1948) of the contributing authority, which is not engaged wholly or mainly in cargo handling;
income from loans or deposits made by the contributing authority for a period not exceeding sixty calendar months;
rents from tenancies granted by the contributing authority in connection with the improvement, maintenance or management of the harbour or harbours in question except in so far as those rents in any financial year exceed ten per cent of the sum arrived at after deducting the aggregate amount of items (a) to (d) above from the total amount of the contributing authority's income arising from or in connection with the improvement, maintenance or management of the harbour or harbours in question by the contributing authority;
income from the sale of fish by the contributing authority;
“securities” means