Adoption agency's duties in respect of proposed placement

9.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), an adoption agency shall refer its proposal to place a particular child for adoption with a prospective adopter, which it considers may be appropriate, together with a written report containing its observations on the proposal and any information relevant to the proposed placement, to its adoption panel.

(2) An adoption agency shall refer its proposal to place a child for adoption to the adoption panel only if—

(a)any other adoption agency which has made a decision in accordance with regulation 11(1) that adoption is in the best interests of the child or that the prospective adopter is suitable to be an adoptive parent, has been consulted concerning the proposal, and

(b)any local authority or voluntary organisation which has parental rights and duties in respect of the child by virtue of section 14 or 23 of the 1975 Act (freeing child for adoption and transfer of parental rights and duties) or in whose care the child is, has been consulted and agrees with the proposal.

(3) An adoption agency which has a proposal to place a particular child for adoption with a prospective adopter shall set up case records in respect of them to the extent that it has not already set up such records and place on the appropriate record any information, reports and decisions referred to it by another adoption agency together with any information to be passed to the adoption panel by virtue of this regulation in respect of them.

(4) An adoption agency shall obtain, so far as is reasonably practicable, any other relevant information which may be requested by the adoption panel in connection with the proposed placement.