This Order brings into force all the provisions of the Health and Social Services and Social Security Adjudications Act 1983 except section 1 insofar as it substitutes a new section 28A of the National Health Service Act 1977 and section 2 (financing of community services in England, Wales and Scotland); sections 6 and 7(2) and (3) (access to children in care in England, Wales and Scotland); section 11 (registration of homes); section 12 insofar as it relates to paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 (voluntary organisations representation on joint consultative committees); sections 21 to 24 (recovery of charges for local authority accommodation); and section 25 (social security adjudications) except insofar as that section relates to paragraph 31(6) of Schedule 8 which is brought into force with effect from 5th July 1983.
The provisions specified in Schedule 1 to the Order are brought into force on 15th August 1983, those specified in Schedule 2 on 1st January 1984, those specified in Schedule 3 on 1st April 1984, and those specified in Schedule 4 on 1st October 1984.