This Order further amends the Rabies (Importation of Dogs, Cats and Other Mammals) Order 1974 (“the 1974 Order”) which, in order to prevent the introduction of rabies into Great Britain, prohibits the landing in Great Britain of certain animals except under the authority of, and in accordance with conditions imposed by, a licence granted under it.

The changes of substance made to the 1974 Order by this Order are—

(1) the prohibition on the landing of animals contained in Article 4 of the 1974 Order now applies to the landing of an animal which is brought into Great Britain from a place other than a country outside Great Britain (for example an oil rig not forming part of any country) if the animal, while outside Great Britain, has been or may have been in contact with any other animal which, if brought into Great Britain, would be subject to such prohibition (Article 2(a)); and

(2) a revised list of ports at which authorised landings of animals may take place is inserted in Part I of Schedule 2 to the 1974 Order (Article 2(d)).