
Procedure after making an Order

4.  On making an order the authority shall—

(a)publish once at least in a local newspaper circulating in the locality in which the footpath to which the order relates is situated a notice which

(i)describes the general effect of the order stating that it has been made and requires confirmation;

(ii)names a place in the locality in which the footpath to which the order relates is situated where a copy of the order may be inspected free of charge at all reasonable hours; and

(iii)specifies the period (not being less than 28 days from the date of the first publication of the notice) during which, and the address to which, objections to the order can be made and states that all objections must be made in writing and must specify the grounds thereof.

(b)cause a copy of the said notice to be displayed in a conspicuous position at the ends of so much of the footpath to which the order relates as is affected by the order,

(c)cause a copy of the said notice to be displayed in one or more places where public notices are usually displayed in the locality concerned, and

(d)send a copy of the said notice to all those consulted under Regulation 3 of these Regulations.