The Local Government (Magistrates' Courts etc.) Order 1985


This Order makes provision for transition to the new arrangements for the magistrates' courts service in outer London which are to apply on 1 April 1986 when the Greater London Council will cease to exist.

Under Articles 3 and 4, the justices of the peace who will act on and after 1 April 1986 for the new petty sessions areas are to make the arrangements, for which the justices would ordinarily be responsible, to enable the magistrates' courts service to function from that date. Article 5 makes provision for the associated expenditure.

By virtue of Article 6, the staff of the existing magistrates' courts committees (including justices' clerks) come within the jurisdiction of the staff commission established under the Local Government (Interim Provisions) Act 1984.

Article 7 suspends the elections and appointments of justices of the peace to various bodies already in existence which are due to take place in the autumn of 1985 (unless those who may vote at the election or make the appointments resolve that the election or appointments should proceed). The present officeholders and appointees will continue in place until 31 March 1986.

Article 8, with the Schedule to the Order, amends the statutes and statutory instruments included in the Schedule consequent on the passage of the Local Government Act 1985.