

These Regulations revoke the Nightdresses (Safety) Regulations 1967 and the Nightdresses (Safety) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1968 (Regulation 2).

They prohibit the supply of children's nightwear, other than pyjamas, babies' garments, and cotton terry towelling bath robes, made of fabric of a kind not capable after having been washed in accordance with Regulation 11 of complying with the flammability performance requirements specified by British Standard Specification 5722:1984 (Regulations 4 and 9).

Pyjamas, babies' garments, terry towelling bath robes and adults' nightwear are required to be labelled to show whether or not the fabric from which they are made is capable of complying with those flammability performance requirements (Regulations 4(2) and 6 and Schedule 2).

Nightwear made of a fabric treated with flame retardant chemicals is required to be labelled with washing instructions (Regulation 7 and Schedule 3).

Nightwear” and “children's nightwear” and “adults' nightwearare defined in Regulation 3(1).

Provision is also made with regard to the testing of nightwear by enforcement authorities (Regulation 10) and the inclusion of information regarding the flammability of nightwear in certain advertisements (Regulation 9 and Schedule 4).

Provision is also made for the washing of fabric before it is tested for compliance with the flammability performance requirements (Regulation 11).

The Regulations prohibit the supply of nightwear which does not comply with the requirements of the Regulations, except where the person supplying it reasonably believes that it will not be worn in the United Kingdom or where the nightwear is second-hand (Regulation 8).

These Regulations come into operation on 1st March 1987.

In this Note “supplyincludes offering or agreeing to supply and exposing or possessing for supply.

The British Standards referred to in the Regulations may be obtained from any of the sales outlets operated by the British Standards Institution or by post from the Institution at Linford Wood, Milton Keynes MK14 6LE.