This order amends various Acts in consequence of the Local Government Act 1985 which abolishes the Greater London Council (`the GLC') and the metropolitan county councils on 1st April 1986 (`the abolition date').

Article 2 amends the Lee Valley Regional Park Act 1966 which governs the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (`the Authority'). On the abolition date the eight members of the Authority appointed by the GLC will be replaced by eight members appointed jointly by twenty-six London borough councils and the Common Council of the City of London. Changes are also made in the way the Authority is financed. The precept by the Authority on the GLC is replaced by a levy on all London borough councils and the Common Council calculated on the basis of the populations of their respective areas. Other incidental, consequential, transitional and supplementary provision is made in or in relation to the Act.

Article 3 amends—

  • (a) the Water Act 1945 as respects the deposit of copies of special Acts with local authority officers;

  • (b) the Port of London Act 1968 by replacing references to the GLC with references to the borough councils, the Thames Water Authority and other successor bodies;

  • (c) the Housing Act 1985 by extending to the new authorities established by the Local Government Act 1985 a prohibition on home improvement grants being paid where the provision, improvement or repair of dwellings is by local authorities.

The Schedule contains repeals incidental to or consequential on the order or the abolition of the GLC.