


2.—(1) In these Regulations—

the Act” means the Weights and Measures Act 1985;

analogue” means capable of assigning any value or position within a continuous range;

automatic weighing machine” means weighing equipment that includes a machine which accomplishes a weighing operation without intervention by an operator and which sets in motion an automatic process characteristic of the machine;

certificate of approval” means a certificate of approval of a pattern of weighing equipment granted or renewed by the Secretary of State under section 12 of the Act or any instrument having effect under paragraph 11 of Schedule 11 to the Act as if it were a certificate of approval so granted on 4th April 1979;

device for interpolation of reading” means a device which subdivides without special adjustment the scale of a machine with an analogue indicator;

digital” means capable of assigning only certain discrete values or positions within a continuous range by a series of discontinuous steps;

discontinuous totaliser” means a discontinuous totalising automatic weighing machine which systematically sub-divides material in bulk into separate loads, determines the mass of material in each load, effects a summation of loads and discharges the material into bulk;

filling machine” means an automatic weighing machine which systematically sub-divides material in bulk into separate loads of a pre-determined mass and effects an automatic feed and weighing of them;

level indicating device” means a device which indicates when the structure to which it is attached in titled away from its correct operating position;

live part” means a part of a machine which, when a load is applied to it, causes the mass of the load to be indicated, printed or otherwise processed by the machine;

load receptor” means a part of a machine on which loads are placed for the purposes of their being weighed;

material testing” means the testing of an automatic weighing machine by loading suitable material on the machine;

maximum capacity” means the maximum load which the machine is authorised to weigh by the certificate of approval;

maximum net capacity” means the maximum net load which the machine is authorised to weigh by the certificate of approval;

minimum load” means the minimum load which the machine is authorised to weigh by the certificate of approval;

minimum totalised load” means the minimum totalised load which the machine is authorised to weigh by the certificate of approval;

non-automatic zero-setting device” means a device which allows an operator to observe, alter and then check the setting of the machine to zero or a given point;

non-automatic weighing machine” means weighing equipment that includes a machine which accomplishes a weighing operation and which requires the intervention of an operator during the weighing process, especially to deposit loads on, or remove loads from, the load receptor and also to determine the result of the weighing process;

notice of examination” means a notice of examination caused to be published by the Secretary of State giving particulars of a pattern in respect of which a certificate of approval has been granted;

prescribed limits of errorhas the meaning set out in Regulation 33 below;

rider” means a poise which can be moved along a graduated bar or beam;

scale interval” means the value expressed in units of measurement of mass, equal to—


in the case of a machine with an analogue device, the smallest sub-division of the scale; or


in the case of a machine with a digital device, the smallest difference between two consecutive values indicated by the machine;

semi-automatic zero-setting device” means a device which, following a manual command, allows the automatic setting of the machine to zero or a given point or indicates the value by which it is necessary to adjust the setting to zero or a given points;

the stamp” means the prescribed stamp(1);

tare device” means a device for resetting the weight indicating device and the weight printing device to zero when a load is placed on the load receptor;

test load” means a load of suitable material used for material testing;

totalisation scale interval” means the value, expressed in units of measurement of mass, of the scale interval of the totalisation indicating device of the machine;

weighing unit” means a device which provides information on the mass of the load being weighed by the machine;

weight indicating device” means a device which is not a weight printing device and which indicates the weight of a load on a load receptor of the machine; and

weight printing deviceis a device which can print the weight of a load which is on a load receptor of the machine.

(2) The abbreviations of, and symbols for, units of measurement used in these Regulations refer to the relevant units as follows:—

gramg, grm.

See S.I. 1968/1615.