Application, title and commencement

1.  This order, which applies to land in England and Wales, may be cited as the Milk Quota (Calculation of Standard Quota) Order 1986 and shall come into operation on 25th September 1986.


2.  In the application of this order, the expressions “disadvantaged land” and “severely disadvantaged land” mean land which has been determined to be disadvantaged land or severely disadvantaged land, as the case may be, in accordance with the definitions of those expressions as they are set out in regulation 2 of the Hill Livestock (Compensatory Allowances) Regulations 1984.

Prescribed quota

3.  The number of litres prescribed for the purposes of sub-paragraph 6(1)(b) of Schedule 1 to the Agriculture Act 1986 (calculation of standard quota) in respect of each of the breeds shown in Column 1 of the Schedule to this order is the number shown opposite that breed in—

(a)column 2(a) in relation to severely disadvantaged land;

(b)column 3(a) in relation to disadvantaged land; and

(c)column 4(a) in relation to any other land.

Average yield per hectare

4.  The amount of milk to be taken as the average yield per hectare for the purposes of sub-paragraph 6(2) of Schedule 1 to the Agriculture Act 1986 (calculation of standard quota in exceptional cases) in respect of each of the breeds shown in Column 1 of the Schedule to this order is the amount shown opposite that breed in—

(a)column 2(b) in relation to severely disadvantaged land;

(b)column 3(b) in relation to disadvantaged land; and

(c)column 4(b) in relation to any other land.

Regulations 3 and 4


Column 1Column 2Column 3Column 4
Severely disadvantaged landDisadvantaged landOther land
Breed (a) (b) (a) (b) (a) (b)
Quota/HectareAverage Yield/HectareQuota/HectareAverage Yield/HectareQuota/HectareAverage Yield/Hectare
Channel Island and South Devon, and breeds with similar characteristics5,1005,7375,9506,6946,8007,650
Ayrshire and Dairy Shorthorn and breeds with similar characteristics5,8336,5626,8057,6567,7788,750


Where, on the termination of a tenancy of land in England or Wales the tenant has milk quota registered as his in relation to a holding consisting of or including the land, Schedule 1 to the Agriculture Act 1986 gives him a right in certain circumstances, on quitting the land, to obtain from his landlord a payment in respect of all or part of the milk quota which was allocated to him in relation to land comprised in the holding. The amount of payment to which the tenant is entitled in respect of that milk quota is calculated by reference to the “standard quota” for the land, and the “standard quota” is in turn calculated by reference to the “prescribed quota per hectare” and the “prescribed average yield per hectare”. This order prescribes the quota per hectare and the average yield per hectare to be taken into account in determining the “standard quota” for the purposes of calculating the payment to which the tenant is entitled under the Act.