

Prescribed limits of error

24.  The prescribed limits of error relating to measures of length shall be as follows:—

(a)where the measure is designed to measure in metric units, 0.6 millimetre plus 0.4 millimetre per metre (rounded up to the next whole metre) of nominal length; and

(b)where the measure is designed to measure in imperial units, 0.025 inch plus 0.015 inch per yard (rounded up to the next whole yard) of nominal length.

Passing as fit for use for trade

25.  No measure of length shall be passed as fit for use for trade unless on testing—

(a)it complies with all the appropriate requirements of these Regulations;

(b)it falls within the prescribed limits of error; and

(c)the inspector is of the opinion that it is not constructed in a manner which facilitates fraudulent use.


26.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3) below, measures of length shall be stamped with the stamp near one end or, in the case of graduated measures, near the beginning of the measure on each graduated side.

(2) In the case of flexible measures of length the stamp may be placed on a metal plug, disc or label permanently secured to the measure.

(3) No measure of length shall be stamped with the stamp if it bears—

(a)any mark which, in the opinion of the inspector, might reasonably be mistaken for the stamp;

(b)any indication of a class of accuracy to which the measure belongs; or

(c)any other statement or mark (other than the stamp) which purports to be or, in the opinion of the inspector, might reasonably be mistaken for an expression of approval or guarantee of accuracy by any body or person.

Obliteration of stamps

27.  The stamp shall be obliterated on any measure of length by an inspector, in accordance with the requirements of these Regulations, by means of punches or pincers of suitable sizes of a six-pointed star design as shown in the following illustration:—

28.—(1) An inspector shall obliterate the stamp on any measure of length which—

(a)fails upon testing to fall within twice the prescribed limits of error; or

(b)fails to comply with any other appropriate requirement of these Regulations:

Provided that an inspector shall not obliterate the stamp on any measure of length which falls within twice the prescribed limits of error and which was first stamped before 27th October 1986, notwithstanding that it fails to comply with the appropriate requirements of these Regulations.

(2) Where any measure of length has, since it was last stamped, been the subject of any adjustment, alteration, addition, damage or repair which could, in the opinion of the inspector, have affected its accuracy or function, he may obliterate the stamp on that measure.