This Scheme further amends the Personal Injuries (Civilians) Scheme 1983 (“the principal Scheme”) which makes provision for the payment of pensions and allowances to or in respect of civilians who were killed or injured in the 1939-45 War.

Articles 23 and 48 of the principal Scheme (treatment allowances) are amended so that a disabled person who has claimed treatment allowance but who is not normally in employment or has retired, shall not be eligible for an award under either of those articles where it is considered by the Secretary of State that if that person were in normal employment his treatment would involve no interruption of that employment or would interrupt it only occasionally (Articles 3 and 5).

Article 25A (mobility supplement) is amended so that entitlement to an award of mobility supplement may arise where a claimant's ability to walk is so restricted by pain or breathlessness that it is of little or no practical use to him (Article 4).

Article 54 (time limits for applications for awards) is amended so as to specify that, with certain exceptions, an application for an award must be made in a form approved by the Secretary of State or form that he is prepared to accept and must state the pension, allowance or other benefit being applied for (Article 6).

This Scheme also raises the maximum amount of annual earnings which may be received by a disabled person while he is deemed to be unemployable for the purposes of unemployability allowances under Article 18 of the principal Scheme, and varies the rates of pensions and allowances in respect of disablement and death in the 1939-45 War (Articles 2 and 7, and the Schedule).