Provisions for reducing statelessness

6.—(1) Where a person ceases on 1st July 1997 by virtue of Article 3 to be a British Dependent Territories citizen and would, but for this paragraph, thereby be rendered stateless, he shall become on that date a British Overseas citizen.

(2) Where a person born on or after 1st July 1997 would, but for this paragraph, be born stateless, then, if at the time of the birth his father or mother is a British National (Overseas) or a British Overseas citizen by virtue of paragraph (1) above, he shall be a British Overseas citizen.

(3) A person born stateless on or after 1st July 1997 outside the dependent territories shall be entitled, on an application for his registration as a British Overseas citizen made within the period of twelve months from the date of the birth, to be registered as such a citizen if the requirements specified in paragraph (4) below are fulfilled in the case of either that person's father of his mother (“the parent in question”).

(4) The requirements referred to in paragraph (3) above are—

(a)that the parent in question was a British Overseas citizen by virtue of paragraph (2) above at the time of the birth; and

(b)that the father or mother of the parent in question was, immediately before 1st July 1997, a British Dependent Territories citizen otherwise than by descent by virtue of having a connection with Hong Kong or would have been so but for his or her death.

(5) If in the special circumstances of any particular case the Secretary of State thinks fit, he may treat paragraph (3) above as if the reference to twelve months were a reference to six years.