Chairmen and Vice-chairmen of governing bodies and meetings9


The governing body of a school shall each school year, at their first meeting in that year or such other meeting as is specified for the purpose in the governing instrument for the school, elect a chairman and vice-chairman from among their number (subject however to paragraph (5)).


In the event of a casual vacancy occurring in the office of chairman or vice-chairman, the governing body, unless they have no further meeting before that referred to in paragraph (1), shall at their next meeting elect one of their number (subject however to paragraph (5)) to fill that vacancy.


The chairman or vice-chairman of a governing body elected in pursuance of paragraph (1) or (2) shall hold office as such until his successor has been elected in pursuance of paragraph (1) without prejudice, however, to his re-election:

Provided that such a chairman or vice-chairman shall cease to hold office as such if–


he resigns his office by written notice given to the clerk to the governing body;


he ceases to be a member thereof; or


in the case of the vice-chairman, he is elected in pursuance of paragraph (2) to fill a casual vacancy in the office of chairman.


The chair at any meeting of the governing body of a school shall be taken by the chairman thereof or, in his absence, by the vice-chairman except that where both are absent those present shall elect from among their number (subject however to paragraph (5)) a person to take the chair at the meeting during such absence.


A governor who is employed as a teacher or otherwise at the school in question or is a registered pupil thereat shall not be eligible for election as chairman or vice-chairman of the governing body or as chairman of a meeting thereof but, subject as aforesaid, every governor shall be so eligible.


This regulation does not apply in relation to temporary governing bodies of new schools.