The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1987

Statement of date of birth

26.  The circumstances in which a person specified in section 161(1) of the 1972 Act shall, on being required by a police constable, state his date of birth are as follows:—

(1) where that person fails to produce forthwith for examination his licence on being required to do so by a police constable under that section; or

(2) where, on being so required, that person produces a licence—

(a)which the police constable in question has reason to suspect—

(i)was not granted to that person;

(ii)was granted to that person in error; or

(iii)contains an alteration in the particulars entered on the licence (other than as described in paragraph (b) below) made with intent to deceive; or

(b)in which the driver number has been altered, removed or defaced.

(3) In paragraph (2), “driver number” means the number described as the driver number in the licence.