The routes of the main new trunk road are routes between Launceston and Plusha in the County of Cornwall and are as follows:

(1) a route about 2.43 kilometres in length starting at a point on the Trunk Road about 240 metres east of Trebursye Lodge, proceeding in a generally westerly direction and ending at a point on the trunk road about 270 metres west of the access to Kestledown, and labelled 2 on the deposited plan;

(2) a route about 550 metres in length starting at a point on the Trunk Road about 350 metres east of Holyway Cross proceeding in a generally south-westerly direction and ending at a point on the Trunk Road about 300 metres south-west of Holyway Cross, and labelled 3 on the deposited plan;

(3) a route about 2.23 kilometres in length starting at a point on the Trunk Road about 230 metres north of the access to the old slate quarry in Strayerpark Plantation, proceeding in a generally south-westerly direction and ending at a point on the trunk road about 70 metres east of Bodmin Moor Garage, and labelled 6 on the deposited plan.