Statutory Instruments

1987 No. 2006


The Cambridge Water (Hinxton Borehole) Order 1987


20th November 1987

Coming into force

30th November 1987

The Secretary of State for the Environment, on the application of the Cambridge Water Company, being statutory water undertakers(1), and in exercise of powers conferred by sections 23, 32(1) and 59(1)(2) of the Water Act 1945(3) and now vested in him(4), and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf hereby makes the following Order:

Citation, commencement and interpretation

1.—(1) This Order may be cited as the Cambridge Water (Hinxton Borehole) Order 1987 and shall come into force on the 30th November 1987.

(2) This Order shall be included among the enactments which may be cited together as the Cambridge Water Acts and Orders 1853 to 1987.

(3) In this Order—

“the Company” means the Cambridge Water Company;

“the Third Schedule” means the Third Schedule to the Water Act 1945;

“the undertaking” means the undertaking of the Company as for the time being authorised by any enactment.

Power to construct, continue and maintain works

2.  The Company may—

(a)continue and maintain the existing borehole on or under the land described in Schedule 1 to this Order and construct, continue and maintain on or under that land a pumping station and pumping plant for the purpose of abstracting water from that borehole;

(b)construct, continue and maintain on or under that land (in addition to the works authorised by section 4 of the Third Schedule as applied to the undertaking by this Order) all such additional wells, boreholes, adits and headings as may be necessary or expedient for augmenting, improving or maintaining the supply of water obtainable by means of that borehole.

Works to form part of the undertaking

3.  The works authorised by this Order shall for all purposes form part of the undertaking.

Application of certain provisions of the Third Schedule

4.  The provisions of the Third Schedule specified in column (1) of Schedule 2 to this Order shall apply to the undertaking, subject to the modifications set out in column (2) thereof.

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State

J. A. L. Gunn

An Under Secretary in the

Department of the Environment

20th November 1987