The Welfare of Battery Hens Regulations 1987

Regulation 2


1.  Battery cages shall be designed, constructed and maintained in such a way, and the materials used shall be such, as to prevent any injury or unnecessary suffering to laying hens to the extent possible in the existing state of technology.

2.  The design and size of the cage opening shall be such that laying hens can be removed without causing any injury or unnecessary suffering.

3.  The cages shall be suitably equipped and maintained to prevent laying hens escaping.

4.  All laying hens shall have access to adequate, nutritious and hygienic feed each day and to adequate fresh water at all times, except in the case of therapeutic or prophylactic treatment.

5.  Insulation and ventilation of the building in which laying hens are kept shall ensure that air velocity, dust level, temperature, relative air humidity and gas concentrations are kept within limits that are not harmful to the hens.

6.  In the case of artificial lighting, the laying hens shall have an appropriate resting period each day during which the light intensity shall be reduced in such a way that the hens can rest properly.

7.  The laying hens shall be cared for by a sufficient number of personnel with adequate knowledge and experience of laying hens and of the production system used.

8.  The flock or group of laying hens shall be thoroughly inspected at least once a day and for this purpose a source of light shall be available which is strong enough for each bird to be seen clearly and, if need be, thoroughly inspected.

9.  More than three tiers of cages shall not be used unless suitable devices or measures make it possible to inspect thoroughly all tiers without difficulty.

10.  Where laying hens do not appear to be in good health or show behavioural changes, steps shall be taken to establish the cause and appropriate remedial action (e.g. treatment, isolation, culling or correction of environmental factors) shall be taken. If the cause is traced to an environmental factor in the production unit which does not require to be corrected immediately, remedial action shall be taken as soon as practicable and not later than when the accommodation is emptied and before the next batch of laying hens is put in.

11.  All automatic and mechanical equipment essential for the health and welfare of the laying hens shall be thoroughly inspected at least once daily. Where defects are discovered these must be rectified immediately or, if this is impracticable, appropriate steps taken to safeguard the health and welfare of the laying hens until the defect has been rectified. Alternative ways of feeding and of maintaining a satisfactory environment must be available for use in the event of a breakdown.

There shall be an alarm system to warn the stock-keeper of failure of any essential automated ventilation equipment.

12.  Every time all the cages housed together are emptied they shall be thoroughly disinfected before the next batch of laying hens is put in. While the cages are occupied, the surfaces and all equipment shall be kept satisfactorily clean.