Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order gives effect to proposals made by the South Yorkshire Residuary Body for the transfer on 1st April 1988 of the responsibility for pension and certain related compensation functions to a new body, the South Yorkshire Pensions Authority, which is established by the Order for the purpose (articles 2 and 3).

Article 4 provides for the reimbursement of the net expenditure of the new body by the district councils in the county of South Yorkshire, and article 5 makes supplementary and transitional provision for the continuity of the exercise of the transferred functions. Further supplementary provision is made by article 6, including necessary amendments to the Local Government Superannuation Regulations 1986.

Schedule 1 sets out the manner in which the new body is constituted, provides for the appointment and replacement of members, and deals with ancillary matters such as finance and administration. Schedule 2 describes the pension and compensation matters transferred. Subject to certain exceptions (paragraph 3 of Schedule 2), the relevant compensation matters concern compensation for loss of office or employment and loss or diminution of emoluments.