The Dangerous Substances in Harbour Areas Regulations 1987

Untoward incidents

28.—(1) In this regulation, “untoward incident” means an incident involving or threatening the containment of a dangerous substance which might, irrespective of where such incident occurs, create in the harbour or harbour area a risk of serious personal injury or a risk to the safety of a vessel.

(2) The master of a vessel carrying a dangerous substance shall immediately inform the harbour master and, if the vessel is at a berth, the berth operator of any untoward incident which occurs or has occurred on the vessel.

(3) The berth operator shall immediately inform the harbour master and the master of any vessel at the berth of any untoward incident which occurs on the berth.

(4) Where an untoward incident occurs during the operation of handling a dangerous substance, the person having control of that operation shall stop the operation as soon as it is safe to do so and shall immediately report the incident to the harbour master, to the operator of any berth and the master of any vessel which might be affected by the incident and, where appropriate, the emergency services.

(5) Where an operation has been stopped in accordance with paragraph (4), it shall not be resumed until such corrective measures have been taken as make it safe to resume the operation and the harbour master has authorised resumption of the operation.