The Merchant Shipping (Fees) Regulations 1987

Fees for Registration, Transfer and Mortgage of Ships (excluding Vessels not exceeding 10 Tons Employed Solely in Fishing) and Inspection of the Register Book

1.  In this Part:

“ship” does not include vessels not exceeding 10 tons employed solely in fishing;

“submersible craft” means a submersible craft as defined in the Merchant Shipping (Registration of Submersible Craft) Regulations 1976(1).



2.  —

(1) First registry, registry anew or re-registry of a ship, or the transfer of registry of a ship from one port to another, where the ship:

  • does not exceed 1,500 tons

  • exceeds 1,500 tons


(2) Registry of the transfer of ownership of a ship by bill of sale or by transmission, or of the mortgage of a ship or the transfer or the discharge of such a mortgage, where the ship:

  • does not exceed 1,500 tons

  • exceeds 1,500 tons


(3) Each inspection of the register book


(4) For the issue of a certificate of registration on the Small Ships Register, including an amended certificate or a duplicate copy of a certificate


(5) On application to register a submersible craft


S.I. 1976/940, to which there is an amendment not relevant to these Regulations.