15.  In section 24–

(a)for subsection (1) there shall be substituted the following subsection–

(1) In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires–

“the bailiff” means–

(i)as respects the Islands of Guernsey, Herm and Jethou, the Bailiff,

(ii)as respects the Island of Alderney, the Chairman of the Court of Alderney, and

(iii)as respects the Island of Sark, the Seneschal of Sark;

“the Board” means the States of Guernsey Board of Administration;

“British fishery limits” has the meaning assigned to it by the Fishery Limits Act 1976(1);

“captain”, in relation to a hovercraft, means the person who is designated by the operator to be in charge of it during any journey, or, failing such designation, the person who is for the time being lawfully in charge of it;

“commander”, in relation to an aircraft, means the member of the flight crew designated as commander of that aircraft by the operator or, failing such designation, the person who is for the time being the pilot in command of the aircraft;

“Convention State” means a state which is a party to the London Convention or the Oslo Convention;

“Guernsey hovercraft” means a hovercraft, other than a hovercraft registered in the United Kingdom, owned or operated by an individual ordinarily resident in, or a body incorporated under the law of, the Bailiwick;

“Guernsey marine structure” means a marine structure owned by or leased to an individual ordinarily resident in, or a body incorporated under the law of, the Bailiwick;

“Guernsey vessel” means a vessel registered in Guernsey under the Merchant Shipping Act 1894(2) or under any Guernsey enactment;

“incineration” has the meaning assigned to it by section 6 above;

“licence” means a licence under Part II of this Act;

“the London Convention” means the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter concluded at London in December 1972;

“marine structure” means a platform or other man-made structure at sea, other than a pipe-line;

“master”, in relation to any vessel, includes the person for the time being in charge of the vessel;

“the Ministers” means the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Secretary of State;

“the Oslo Convention” means the Convention for the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft concluded at Oslo in February 1972;

“sea” includes any area submerged at mean high water springs and also includes, so far as the tide flows at mean high water springs, an estuary or arm of the sea and the waters of any channel, creek, bay or river;

“the standard scale” means the standard scale as defined in section 75 of the Criminal Justice Act 1982(3);

“the statutory maximum” means the statutory maximum as defined in section 74 of that Act;

“vessel” has the meaning assigned to it by section 742 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1894.; and

(b)in subsection (3)–

(i)the words “or regulations” in both places where they occur shall be omitted, and

(ii)for the words “as the Minister” there shall be substituted the words “as the Board or the Minister”.


1982 c. 48, extended to the Bailiwick of Guernsey by S.I. 1986/1884.