The Companies (Forms) (Amendment) Regulations 1987

6.—(1) The forms set out in Schedule 3 to the 1985 Regulations which are listed in Schedule 3 to these Regulations are amended by deleting the words “[Director] [Secretary]” in the description of the signatory of the form and substituting the words “Designation‡” and inserting in the left hand margin of the form the words “‡Insert Director, Secretary, Administrator, Administrative Receiver or Receiver (Scotland) as appropriate”.

(2) The form 400 set out in Schedule 3 to the 1985 Regulations is amended by deleting the words “[Director] [Secretary]” in the description of the signatory of the form and substituting the words “Designation‡” and inserting in the left hand margin the words “‡Insert Director, Secretary, Administrator or Administrative Receiver as appropriate”.

(3) The forms of statutory declaration 403a and 403b set out in Schedule 3 to the 1985 Regulations are amended by deleting the words “a director/the secretary” or “[a director] [the secretary]” as the case may be, in the description of the person making the declaration, and substituting the words “[a director] [the secretary] [the administrator] [the administrative receiver]”.

(4) The forms of statutory declaration 419a (Scot) and 419b (Scot) set out in Schedule 3 to the 1985 Regulations are amended by adding after the words “[a director] [the secretary] [the liquidator] [the receiver]” in the description of the person making the declaration the words “[the administrator]”.