The Control of Pollution (Anti-Fouling Paints and Treatments) Regulations 1987


2.  In these Regulations—

“anti-fouling paint” means any surface coating containing one or more chemical compounds which have the effect of inhibiting the growth of or having other detrimental effects on freshwater, estuarial or marine life and which is intended to be applied in a liquid or semi-liquid form to the hull of a ship or boat;

“anti-fouling treatment” means any treatment containing one or more chemical compounds which have the effect of inhibiting the growth of or having other detrimental effects on freshwater, estuarial or marine life and which is intended for application in a liquid or semi-liquid form to any net, cage, float or other apparatus used in connection with the propagation or cultivation of fish or shellfish;

“tri-organotin compound” means a chemical compound in which tin is chemically bound directly to three alkyl or aryl radicals by a carbon linkage;

“retail sale” means sale by way of business to a person who does not buy, or hold himself out as buying, in the course of a business;

“wholesale” means supply by way of business to a person who buys, or holds himself out as buying, in the course of a business.