Occupation and links with the community

Physical education

38.—(1) Provision shall be made at a young offender institution for the physical education of inmates within the normal working week, as well as evening and weekend physical recreation. The physical education activities shall be such as will foster personal responsibility and an inmate’s interests and skills and encourage him to make good use of his leisure on release.

(2) Arrangements shall be made for each inmate, other than one to whom paragraph (4) of this rule applies, to participate in physical education for at least two hours a week on average or, in the case of inmates detained in such institutions or parts of institutions as the Secretary of State may direct, for at least 1 hour each weekday on average, but outside the hours allotted to education under rule 35(2) in the case of an inmate of compulsory school age.

(3) In the case of an inmate with a need for remedial physical activity, appropriate facilities shall be provided.

(4) A female inmate aged 21 years or over who is serving a sentence of imprisonment or who has been committed to prison for default and who is detained in a young offender institution instead of a prison shall, if not engaged in outdoor work or detained in an open institution, be given the opportunity of exercise in the open air for not less than one hour in all, each day, if weather permits; but the Secretary of State may in special circumstances authorise the reduction of the period aforesaid to half an hour a day:

Provided that exercise consisting of physical education may be given indoors instead of in the open air.