Disqualification for membership

72.  Any person interested in any contract for the supply of goods or services to a young offender institution shall not be a member of the board of visitors for that institution.


73.—(1) A member of the board of visitors for a young offender institution appointed by the Secretary of State under section 6(2) of the Prison Act 1952 shall hold office for 3 years or such less period as the Secretary of State may appoint.

(2) When a board is first constituted, the Secretary of State shall appoint one of its members to be chairman for a period not exceeding twelve months.

(3) Subject to paragraph (2) of this rule, at their first meeting in any year of office the board shall appoint one of their number to be chairman for that year, and thereafter shall fill any casual vacancy in that office promptly.

(4) The board may appoint one of their number to be vice-chairman to hold office for the remainder of the period for which the chairman was appointed.

Proceedings of boards

74.—(1) The board of visitors for a young offender institution shall meet at the institution at least once a month.

(2) The board may fix a quorum of not fewer than 3 members for proceedings other than those under rule 54 of these Rules.

(3) The board shall keep minutes of their proceedings.

(4) The proceedings of the board shall not be invalidated by any vacancy in the membership or any defect in the appointment of a member.

General duties of boards

75.—(1) The board of visitors for a young offender institution shall satisfy themselves as to the state of the premises, the administration of the institution and the treatment of the inmates.

(2) The board shall inquire into and report upon any matter into which the Secretary of State asks them to inquire.

(3) The board shall direct the attention of the governor to any matter which calls for his attention, and shall report to the Secretary of State any matters which they consider it expedient to report.

(4) The board shall inform the Secretary of State immediately of any abuse which comes to their knowledge, and shall have power in any case of urgent necessity to suspend any officer until the decision of the Secretary of State is known.

(5) Before exercising any power under these Rules (other than rules 54, 59 and 60(ii), the board and any member of the board shall consult the governor in relation to any matter which may affect discipline.

Particular duties

76.—(76) The board of visitors for a young offender institution and any member of the board shall hear any complaint or request which an inmate wishes to make to them or him.

(2) The board shall arrange for the food of the inmates to be inspected by a member of the board at frequent intervals.

(3) The board shall inquire into any report made to them, whether or not by a member of the board, that an inmate’s health, mental or physical, is likely to be injuriously affected by any conditions of his detention.

Members visiting young offender institutions

77.—(1) The members of the board of visitors for a young offender institution shall visit the institution frequently, and the board shall arrange a rota for the purpose.

(2) A member of the board shall have access at any time to every part of the institution and to every inmate, and he may interview any inmate out of the sight and hearing of officers.

(3) A member of the board shall have access to the records of the young offender institution.

Annual report

78.  The board of visitors for a young offender institution shall make an annual report to the Secretary of State at the end of each year concerning the state of the institution and its administration, including in it any advice and suggestions they consider appropriate.