
19.—(1) The Tribunal may, where it considers that the relevant authority or an applicant has been responsible for frivolous, vexatious, improper or unreasonable action or for any delay which with diligence could have been avoided, make an order awarding costs (or, in Scotland, expenses) against the relevant person and in favour of the other person or persons but the Tribunal shall not make an order awarding costs against a person unless it has notified the person in writing that it proposes to do so and has given that person the period of fourteen days from the date of the notice in which to make representations against the making of the order.

(2) An order under paragraph (1) may order the person at fault to pay to the other person or persons either a specified sum in respect of the costs incurred by that other person or persons in connection with the proceedings or the whole or part of such costs as taxed (if not otherwise agreed).

(3) Any costs required by an order under this rule to be taxed may be taxed in the county court according to such of the scales prescribed by the county court rules for proceedings in the country court as shall be directed by the order.

(4) In any application of paragraph (3) to a Scottish case for the reference to the county court and the county court rules there shall be substituted references to the Auditor of the Sheriff Court and the Sheriff Court Table of Fees for civil proceedings.