The Land Registration (Official Searches) Rules 1988

Rule 3 Rule 10 Rule 11


Rule 3(6)


A.  The type of search (state “whole search” or “part search”)

B.  Whether or not the applicant is seeking a search with priority (state “with priority” or “without priority”)

C.  The title number

D.  A short description of the property

E.  The full names of the registered proprietors

F.  The date from which the search is to be made being either the date on which an office copy of the subsisting entries in the register was issued or the last date on which the land or charge certificate was officially examined with the register

G.  The full names of the persons on whose behalf application is made

H.  Unless the application is made under rule 10 of these rules the nature of the intended transaction (state “PURCHASE”, “NEW LEASE” or “REGISTERED CHARGE”)

I.  The plot number (to be completed only in respect of searches of part of the land in a title)

J.  The date of approval of the estate plan (to be completed only in respect of searches of part of the land in a title)

K.  Confirmation, in the case of a search against a registered title, that the applicant holds the duly signed written authority of the registered proprietor or of his solicitor or licensed conveyancer to inspect the register of the title against which the search is being made or that the applicant is also the solicitor or licensed conveyancer for the registered proprietor thereof or, in the case of a pending first registration application, that the applicant holds the duly signed written authority of a person who has applied to be registered as proprietor of, or of a legal charge affecting, the land subject to the application or of the solicitor or licensed conveyancer for such person or that the applicant is also the solicitor or licensed conveyancer for such person

L.  Applicant’s name and address

M.  Applicant’s reference

NOTE: Only the letters of the paragraphs and the details of the information contained therein need be given.

L.  Applicant’s name and address

M.  Applicant’s reference

NOTE: Only the letters of the paragraphs and the details of the information contained therein need be given.

Rule 3 (9)


PART Iinformation to be included in the result of search issued in form 94d

A.  Details of any adverse entries made on the register since the date specified in the application for search from which the search is to be made

B.  Notice of the entry of any pending application affecting the relevant title entered on the day list pursuant to rule 7A of the principal rules

C.  Notice of the entry of any official search the priority period of which has not expired and which is entered on the day list pursuant to rule 3 of these rules or rule 3 of the Land Registration (Official Searches) Rules 1986

PART IIinformation to be included in the result of a search issued in form 94e

A.  Full name(s) of the person(s) who have applied for first registration of the land

B.  The date upon which the pending first registration application is deemed to have been received at the proper office under rule 24 of the principal rules

C.  Notice of the entry of any pending application affecting the land sought to be registered and entered on the day list subsequent to the date upon which the pending first registration application was lodged

D.  Notice of the entry of any official search the priority period of which has not expired and which is entered on the day list pursuant to rule 3 of these rules

PART IIIinformation to be included in the result of a search otherwise than in documentary form

A.  In the case of registered land, the title number or, in the case of a pending first registration application, the title number followed by the words “allotted on first registration”

B.  The search certificate number (if any)

C.  Property description, if search is of part (if search is of whole this will be stated)

D.  In the case of registered land, the full name(s) of the registered proprietor(s) or in the case of a pending first registration application, the full name(s) of the person(s) applying to be registered as proprietor(s) of the land

E.  The names of the persons on whose behalf the application was made

F.  The nature of the intended transaction, if any

G.  In the case of registered land, the date from which the search has been made or, in the case of a pending first registration application, the date upon which that application is deemed to have been delivered

H.  Details of the result of search in accordance with Part I of this Schedule or, in the case of a pending first registration application, paragraphs C and D of Part II of this Schedule

I.  Details of priority

J.  Applicant’s reference

Rule 8 (2) Rule 9 (2)


PART Iparticulars to be supplied when a search is made by telephone

A.  The title number and a short description of the property

B.  In the case of registered land, the full name of the proprietor who has given authority to inspect the register or, in the case of a pending first registration application, the full name of the person applying for registration of, or of a legal charge over, the land subject to such application who has given authority to inspect in relation to that pending first registration application

C.  The name, address and telephone number of the solicitor or licensed conveyancer making the application together with the name of the person for whom he is acting

D.  In the case of a search of the register, the date from which the search is to be made

PART IIinformation to be included in the result of a search made by telephone

A.  The title number

B.  A statement whether the search has extended to the whole or been limited to a part of the land comprised in the registered title or the land subject to the pending first registration application as the case may be

C.  A short description of the property

D.  In the case of registered land, the date from which the search has been made or, in the case of a pending first registration application, the date upon which that application is deemed to have been received at the proper office

E.  The result given in accordance with Part I of Schedule 3 in the case of registered land and paragraphs C and D of Part II of Schedule 3 in the case of a pending first registration application

Rule 8 (3) Rule 9 (3)


PART Iform of application for search of register by telexparticulars to be supplied

A.  [The title number]

B.  [A short description of the property and print “whole search” or “part search”]

C.  [In the case of a search of the register, the date from which the search is to be made, or, in the case of a pending first registration application, print “First Registration”]

D.  [The full name(s) of the proprietor(s) or, in the case of a pending first registration application, the person(s) applying for registration of, or of a legal charge over, the land subject to the pending first registration application who has authorised the inspection of the register or pending first registration application as the case may be]

E.  [The name and Telex address of the solicitor or licensed conveyancer making the application]

F.  [The name of the person(s) on whose behalf the application is made]

NOTE: Only the letters of the paragraphs and the reply to the request for information contained therein need be given

PART IIresult of search

A.  [In the case of a registered title, the title number or, in the case of a pending first registration application, the title number followed by the words “allotted on first registration”]

B.  [If the search was made in respect of the whole of the land in the registered title, “whole” will be printed. If it was in respect of a part only, the description of the property will be given]

C.  [The date from which the search has been made or, in the case of a pending first registration application, the date upon which that application is deemed to have been received at the proper office]

D.  [Details of the result of search as set out in Part I of Schedule 3 to these rules or, in the case of a pending first registration application, as set out in paragraphs C and D of Part II of Schedule 3 to these rules. If there are no such details to be supplied “Nil” will be printed]

Rule 11 (4) Rule 11 (6)


PART Iparticulars to be supplied in the case of an application for a certificate of inspection of the filed plan made otherwise than in documentary form

A.  State “Filed Plan Inspection Request”

B.  The title number

C.  Description of the property in the above title

D.  The plot number

E.  The date of approval of approved estate plan

F.  Full name(s) of the registered proprietor(s)

G.  The full name(s) of the applicant(s) if other than the registered proprietor(s)

H.  Confirmation that the applicant holds the duly signed written authority of the registered proprietor or his solicitor or licensed conveyancer to inspect the register against which the search is being made or that the applicant is the solicitor or licensed conveyancer for the registered proprietor

I.  Applicant’s name and address

J.  Applicant’s reference

PART IIinformation to be included in the certificate of inspection of filed plan

A.  The title number

B.  Property description including the plot number on the approved estate plan

C.  Confirmation that the said plot is in the title or otherwise

D.  Details of any reference(s) on the filed plan which affect(s) the plot or confirmation that there are no references shown on the filed plan which affect the plot

E.  Any further information which is needed in order to interpret the entries on the register

F.  Applicant’s reference