The Social Security (Payments on account, Overpayments and Recovery) Regulations 1988

Period for which deduction notice has effect

21.—(1) A deduction notice shall come into force when it is served on the employer of the claimant to whom it relates and shall cease to have effect as soon as any of the following conditions is fulfilled—

(a)the notice is cancelled by virtue of regulation 20(4) or paragraph (2) of this regulation;

(b)the claimant ceases to be in the employment of the person on whom the notice was served;

(c)the aggregate of—

(i)any part of the recoverable amount repaid by the claimant on or after the date of the deduction notice, and

(ii)the total amount deducted by virtue of the notice,

reaches the recoverable amount;

(d)there has elapsed a period of 26 weeks beginning with the date of the notice.

(2) The Secretary of State may at any time give a direction in writing cancelling a deduction notice and—

(a)he shall cause a copy of the direction to be served on the employer concerned and on the claimant;

(b)the direction shall take effect when a copy of it is served on the employer concerned.