1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement, revocation and transitional provision

  3. 2.Interpretation

  4. 3.Payments to persons disabled by a disease

  5. 4.Payments to dependants of persons disabled by a disease

  6. 5.Payment where death results from diffuse mesothelioma

  7. 6.Payment where pneumoconiosis is accompanied by tuberculosis

  8. 7.Power of Secretary of State to determine amount of payment

  9. 8.Minimum amount payable to dependant

  10. Signature


      1. TABLE 1

        1. 1.Table 1 is for the determination of payments to disabled...

        2. 2.The relevant period is the period specified in regulation 3(2)...

        3. 3.The age to be taken for the purpose of determining...

        4. PART A payments to disabled persons to whom is payable disablement benefit under section 76 of the social security act 1975 or under any corresponding provision of the former industrial injuries acts, or would be payable but for the disablement amounting to less than the appropriate percentage.

        5. PART B payments to disabled persons to whom is payable an allowance under a scheme made or having effect as if made under section 5 of the industrial injuries and diseases (old cases) act 1975 or under any corresponding provision of the former old cases acts.

      2. TABLE 2

        1. 1.Table 2 is for the determination of additional payments to...

        2. 2.The relevant period is the period specified in regulation 3(2)...

        3. PART A payments to dependants to whom death benefit under section 76 of the social security act 1975 is payable, or to dependants of persons to whom disablement benefit under that section or under any corresponding provision of the former indutrial injuries acts was payable, or to dependants of a person to whom disablement benefit would have been payable immediately before he died but for the occurrence of one of the circumstances listed in regulation 5(1)(a)(iii) or but for his disablement amounting to less than the appropriate percentage, in circumstances where the disabled person died as a result of a disease other than diffuse mesothelioma.

        4. PART B payments to dependants to whom death benefit under a scheme made or having effect as if made under section 5 of the industrial injuries and diseases (old cases) act 1975 has been paid, or to dependants of persons to whom an allowance under such a scheme or under a scheme made or having effect as if made under any corresponding provision of the former old cases acts was payable, in circumstances where the disabled person died as a result of a disease other than diffuse mesothelioma.

        5. PART C payments to dependants of persons who died as a result of diffuse mesothelioma.

  11. Explanatory Note