1989 No. 102


The Merchant Shipping (Provisions and Water) Regulations 1989


Laid before Parliament

Coming into force

Whereas insofar as these Regulations are made under section 21(1)(b) of the Merchant Shipping Act 19791 they relate to an international agreement laid before Parliament before 4th April 1979, namely the Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention 1976 (International Labour Organisation Convention 147)2, which was laid before Parliament on 24th April 1978 and ratified by the United Kingdom on 28th November 1980 and is in force internationally and which requires provisions to be made substantially equivalent to those of (amongst other Conventions) the Food and Catering (Ships' Crews) Convention 1946 (International Labour Organisation Convention 68)3 which is in force and has been ratified by the United Kingdom:

Now, therefore the Secretary of State for Transport, after consultation with the persons referred to in section 22(2) of the Merchant Shipping Act 1979, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by sections 21(1)(a) and (b), (3), (5), and (6) and by section 22(1) and (3) of that Act and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf, hereby makes the following Regulations: