8.—(1) The APR referred to in Schedule 1 to these Regulations shall be afforded in every credit advertisement—
(a)greater prominence than a statement relating to any other rate of charge; and
(b)no less prominence than a statement relating to—
(i)any period;
(ii)the amount of any advance payment or any indication that no such payment is required; or
(iii)the amount, number or frequency of any other payments or charges (other than the cash price of goods, services, land or other things) or of any repayments of credit.
(2) Where words are shown in capital letters in any prescribed form of statement set out in Schedule 1 or 2 to these Regulations and are reproduced in an advertisement they shall be afforded no less prominence than any other information relating to credit or bailment of goods which is required or permitted to be included under these Regulations in the advertisement except the APR.